The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won

Book description

China's breakneck industrialization is placing it on a collision course with the entire world. Tomorrow's China Wars will be fought over everything from decent jobs, livable wages, and leading-edge technologies to strategic resources such as oil, copper, and steel...even food, water, and air. In The Coming China Wars, best-selling author Peter Navarro previews all these potential conflicts—and reveals the urgent, radical decisions that must be made to avoid catastrophe.

You'll learn how China's thirst for oil is driving nuclear proliferation in Iran, genocide in the Sudan, even Japan's remilitarization. You'll discover China's shocking role in the drug trade and how its reborn flesh trade may help trigger tomorrow's worst AIDS crisis. Navarro also reveals how China has become the world's most ruthless it is promoting global environmental disaster... and, perhaps most terrifying of all, how this nuclear superpower and pirate nation may be spiraling toward internal chaos.

The threat is real. We all must come to understand it and then act! Start here and now by arming yourself with the information and insights of The Coming China Wars.

The "China Price": Conquering the world's export markets

The real story behind China’s “weapons of mass production”


China versus U.S.: The "blood for oil" flashpoints

The coming U.S./China showdown over oil


Pirate Nation: China's state-sanctioned thievery

How China's counterfeit drugs and products can literally kill you

Triggering tomorrow's worst AIDS crisis

China's 21st century flesh trade: The seeds of a global health disaster


"Peter Navarro has captured the breadth of areas where China and the United States have fundamental conflicts of business, economic and strategic interests.  He puts this into a global context demonstrating where China's current development course can lead to conflict.  His recommendations for nations to coalesce to respond to the challenges posed by China are practical.  This book should be in the hands of every businessperson, economist and policy-maker."

–Dr. Larry M. Wortzel, Chairman, US-China Economic and Security Review Commission

"The Coming China Wars is a gripping, fact-filled account of the dark side of China's rise that will be of interest to anyone interested in this complex and fascinating country. Navarro makes no pretense toward searching for the middle ground in the China debate. He issues a call to arms for China and the rest of the world to act now to address the country's mounting problems–pollution, public health, intellectual property piracy, resource scarcity and more–or risk both serious instability within China and military conflict between China and other major powers." 

–Elizabeth C. Economy, C.V. Starr Senior Fellow and Director of Asia Studies, Council on Foreign Relations


"What Al Gore does for climate change, Peter Navarro does for China. This book will hit you right between the eyes. A gargantuan wake-up call." 

–Stuart L. Hart, S.C. Johnson Chair of Sustainable Global Enterprise, Cornell University, Author of "Capitalism at the Crossroads"

 "The Coming China Wars has a wealth of fascinating information about the impact of China on the world and the perils it creates.

Because of China's great importance, this is a book we should all read." 

–D. Quinn Mills, Alfred J. Weatherhead Jr. Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

 "This is a well researched and illuminating book and is a necessary counter to a large body of opinion that posits an inevitable and even peaceful rise of China and chooses to ignore most of the author's message."

–Richard Fisher, Vice President, International Assessment and Strategy Center

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Financial Times Press
  3. About the Author
    1. Other Books by Peter Navarro
  4. Introduction
  5. 1. The “China Price” and Weapons of Mass Production
    1. Low Wages for High-Quality Work
      1. Population Growth and Privatization
      2. China Urbanizing Imperative
    2. The Final Piece of the Low-Wage Puzzle: Nonunion Labor
    3. Lax Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulations
    4. The Catalytic Role of Foreign Direct Investment
    5. Network Industrial Clustering in China’s Ultimate Pin Factories
    6. Rampant Piracy and Counterfeiting
    7. Beggaring Thy Neighbors with a Chronically Undervalued Currency
    8. Massive Subsidies and the Great Protectionist Walls of China
    9. Summing It All Up
  6. 2. China’s Counterfeit Economy and Not-So-Swashbuckling Pirates
    1. The Buccaneer Nation and Counterfeit Kings
    2. The Economic Logic of China’s State-Sanctioned Piracy
    3. You Can Have Anything You Want at Mao’s Restaurant
    4. Snake Oil for the World
    5. The World Wide Counterfeit Web
      1. Piracy Economics 101
    6. The Many Faces of Chinese Piracy and Counterfeiting
      1. Organized Crime Economics 102
    7. China’s Legal System of Pirate (In)justice
  7. 3. Killing Us (and Them) Softly with Their Coal
    1. The Air-Pollution Wars Scorecard
    2. Killing Themselves (and Us) Softly with Their Coal
    3. China’s Long Reach of Acid Rain
    4. A Mongolian Grapes of Wrath
      1. Overcultivation: From Grasslands to Granary to Dust Bowl
      2. Overgrazing: A Chinese-Style “Tragedy of the Commons”
      3. Deforestation: China’s Chain Saw Massacre
    5. Chinese “Chog” Rides the Gobi Express
    6. China’s Ever-Expanding Role in Global Warming
    7. The Troubles with China’s Environmental Destruction Agency
  8. 4. The “Blood for Oil” Wars—The Sum of All Chinese Fears
    1. China’s Growing Thirst for Oil
    2. The Sum of All Chinese Energy-Security Fears
    3. China’s Highly Provocative Oil-Security Strategies
    4. Accelerating the Global Arms Race
    5. China’s U.N. Shame and Propping Up Dictatorial Regimes
      1. Genocide and Terrorism in the Sudan
      2. Corruption and Looting in Angola
    6. A Coming “Hot War” in the South China Seas?
    7. Fear and Loathing in the “Sea of Conflict”
  9. 5. The “New Imperialist” Wars and Weapons of Mass Construction
    1. The China Wars for Minerals and Raw Materials
    2. Heart of Darkness—China’s Parasitic African Safari
      1. China’s Parasitic African Adventure
      2. How Tight the Panda’s Hug
      3. Zimbabwe’s “Look East” Strategy
    3. China’s Latin American Tangos
      1. Imperialism with a Taiwanese Twist—and Spies R Us
  10. 6. The 21st Century Opium Wars—The World’s Emperor of “Precursor Chemicals”
    1. The Sad, Sordid Economics and Politics of the Heroin Trade
    2. The CIA’s Shame—The Golden Triangle and Golden Crescent
    3. A Methamphetamine Primer
    4. The World’s Methamphetamine “Tap Root”
    5. The Chinese Ecstasy Connection
    6. It’s Not Your Father’s Root Beer Anymore
  11. 7. The Damnable Dam Wars and Drums along the Mekong
    1. Of Dying and Dried Up Rivers—China’s New Sorrow
    2. The Great Leap Upriver
    3. Three Gorges as a Distraction and the Broader Problem
      1. The Tragedy of the Banqiao
    4. Drums along the Mekong
  12. 8. The Bread and Water Wars—Nary a (Clean) Drop to Drink
    1. The Red (Tide) Menace
    2. The Equally Breathtaking Scope of China’s Water-Scarcity Problem
    3. The Political Economy of Water Scarcity
      1. China’s Dangerous Game of Groundwater Extraction
  13. 9. China’s Wars from Within—The Dragon Comes Apart at the Seams
    1. The New Marxian Struggle and Worker’s Revolt
    2. Peasants with Pitchforks
      1. The Discontent of the Dispossessed
      2. A Very Taxing Situation
    3. An Eruption of Class Warfare
      1. The Corrosion of Corruption and the Allure of Quanxi
    4. Every Chinese Individual’s Duty to the Revolution
    5. Muslim Separatism and Ethnic Strife
      1. Separatists or Terrorists?
  14. 10. Of “Bloodheads,” Gray Dragons, and Other “Ticking Time Bombs”
    1. The Environmental Protestors and Beggar Thy Neighbors
    2. The Ticking HIV/AIDS Time Bomb
    3. The Macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS
    4. Of Bad Blood, Dirty Needles, and China’s Sexual Revolution
      1. Vector One: “Poverty Relief” Kills
      2. Vectors Two and Three—Drug Use and Prostitution
  15. 11. How to Fight—And Win!—The Coming China Wars
    1. The Policy Prescriptions
    2. A Mutually Parasitic Economic Codependence
    3. Will It Be the Hungry Dragon or Huggable Panda?
    4. Concluding Remarks and the Nuclear Elephant in the Room
      1. Trigger 1: Taiwan Twists in the Wind
      2. Trigger 2: The Rising Sun Versus the Red Star
      3. Trigger 3: Pyongyang—Still Crazy After All These Years
      4. Trigger 4: “‘China Si’, Yanqui No!”
      5. Trigger 5: Mao of Arabia
      6. Trigger 6: The China-Russia Connection
  16. Acknowledgments
  17. Notes
    1. Chapter 1
    2. Chapter 2
    3. Chapter 3
    4. Chapter 4
    5. Chapter 5
    6. Chapter 6
    7. Chapter 7
    8. Chapter 8
    9. Chapter 9
    10. Chapter 10
    11. Chapter 11

Product information

  • Title: The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won
  • Author(s): Peter Navarro
  • Release date: October 2006
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 9780132281287