The Business of Portfolio Management

Book description

The Business of Portfolio Management offers keys to adopting a new approach to portfolio management that boosts organizational value. A veteran in the field, author Iain Fraser proposes a solution that lies in using the value management framework to link organizational strategy to portfolio content and to delivery mechanisms. In this expansive guide, case study examples illuminate in-depth discussions explaining the value management framework, implementation and delivery techniques, portfolio leadership qualities, key roles and professional development, and change management. Also included is an overview of organizational maturity models to evaluate project, program, and portfolio performance as well as tools and techniques to implement, execute, and measure their benefits and value contribution.

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Dedication
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. About the Author
  8. Foreword
  9. Introduction
  10. Section 1 – Organizational Woes and Wishes
    1. 1-1. Staying in Business Versus Getting Ahead
    2. 1-2. Driving Value and Becoming Aligned
    3. 1-3. Organizational Maturity
    4. 1-4. Organizational Structure and Design
    5. 1-5. Organizational P3M Governance
    6. 1-6. Organizational Maturity Models
    7. 1-7. The 3 Ps to Success
    8. 1-8. The Modern Lean Organization
    9. 1-9. Talent Management
    10. 1-10. Organizational Risks
  11. Section 2 – Portfolio Management: A Way of Doing Business
    1. 2-1. The Rise of Portfolio Management
    2. 2-2. High-Level View of Portfolio Management
    3. 2-3. Portfolio and Portfolio Management Explained
    4. 2-4. Organizational Context of Portfolio Management
    5. 2-5. Comparison of Portfolios, Programs of Work, and Projects
    6. 2-6. Interactions and Benefits of Portfolio Management
    7. 2-7. Introduction to Benefits Management
    8. 2-8. Portfolio Management Success Factors
    9. 2-9. Portfolio Management Process Overview
    10. 2-10. Portfolio Management Process Groups
    11. 2-11. Portfolio Management Tools and Techniques
    12. 2-12. Portfolio Management Metrics and Reporting
  12. Section 3 – Using Program and Project Management to Deliver Change and Realize Benefits
    1. 3-1. Program Management Explained
    2. 3-2. A Program Life Cycle
    3. 3-3. Differences between Program and Project Life Cycles
    4. 3-4. Program Management Performance Domains
    5. 3-5. Program of Work Breakdown
    6. 3-6. Capturing Value (Benefits Realization)
    7. 3-7. Program Management Process Groups
    8. 3-8. Program Management Tools and Techniques
    9. 3-9. Program Management Metrics and Reporting
    10. 3-10. Project Management Commentary
  13. Section 4 – Supporting Functions: Time for Change!
    1. 4-1. Leadership in Organizations
    2. 4-2. Leadership Role Focus
    3. 4-3. Influencing for Change
    4. 4-4. Portfolio Management Office
    5. 4-5. Portfolio Manager's Responsibility and Expertise
    6. 4-6. Program Manager's Responsibility and Expertise
    7. 4-7. Qualifications and Credentials Options
    8. 4-8. Ongoing Improvement
    9. 4-9. On Finance, Information Technology, Human Resources, and Legal
  14. Epilogue
  15. Glossary
  16. Bibliography and References

Product information

  • Title: The Business of Portfolio Management
  • Author(s): Iain Fraser
  • Release date: July 2017
  • Publisher(s): Project Management Institute
  • ISBN: 9781628253733