
Adjustable peg system, 39

inconsistent objectives, 43–45

problems with, 42–47

speculation, 47–49

Age of inflation, 18–20

Balance of payments (BOP), 4, 23, 29, 35–36, 77

Balance of trade (BOT), 22, 23, 24–25

Balance sheet

changes with intervention, 70

net changes in, 57

Black markets, 58–62

BOP. See Balance of payments

BOT. See Balance of trade

British pounds, market for, 41, 48

Central banking, 7, 24, 32, 43, 56–57

Commodity money, 14–15

foreign exchange markets, 27–28

Hume price-specie flow mechanism, 28–31

Deflation, 13, 19

Domestic monetary autonomy, 35–37, 40

Economic instability, 37–39

The Economist, 1

ER. See Exchange rate

Exchange rate (ER), 64

Exchange rate regimes, 21–22

FGM. See Fiduciary money

Fiat money, 17, 18–20, 63–74

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