
Chapter 1

1. Gerdes (1997).

2. Gerdes (2014).

3. Friedman (1968).

4. Steil (2013).

5. Husted and Melvin (2013).

6. Two are Rhodes (1993) and Barton et al. (2006).

7. Melvin and Norrbin (2012); Moffett et al. (2011).

Chapter 2

1. For a more detailed analysis of money, banking, and monetary policy, see Gerdes (2014).

2. It is not uncommon for individuals to reject the money of a government. Examples are reversions to barter and cases of money substitution, where individuals reject the money of their country (when making exchanges) in favor of the money of another country. Dollarization in Mexico is an example of the latter.

3. For an extended version of this discussion of monetary systems, see Gerdes (1997).

4. It is erroneous to assert, ...

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