The Biggest Async-First Superpower

Okay, I’m going to say it. I know you may not want me to, but I have to. It’s the dreaded D word. Oh boy, didn’t you know this was coming? Let me spell it out for you. D-o-c-u-m-e-n-t-a-t-i-o-n. All right, that’s done now. Let’s move on.

As I discussed in Chapter 1, I understand that the thought of documentation may make you uncomfortable. Let’s get this absolutely straight, though.

There’s no asynchronous work without written communication.

Notice that I say “written communication” and not “documentation.” There’s a subtle difference between those two, isn’t there? Table 4.1 explains what I mean by each word.

Table 4.1 Written Communication vs. Documentation


Written Communication


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