Chapter 7Terror-work

An image, I believe, affects us directly, below the level of representation: at the level of intuition, of perception. At that level, the image is always an absolute surprise. At least it should be.

(Baudrillard, 2005: 91)

I’m used to it! Y’know, like cafeteria food or the constant threat of terrorism.

(JD, ‘My Choosiest Choice of All’, Episode 3.19, Scrubs).

You’re only as good as your fans.

(‘Play Mistral For Me’, TISM)

what science may never be able to explain is our ineffable fear of the alien among us; a fear which often drives us not to search for understanding, but to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate. To obscure the truth not only from others, but from ourselves.

(Scully, ‘Teliko’, Episode 4, Series 4, The X-Files ...

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