


A working with SME who has full-time
accident prevention, 6-7 job, 126-127
ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, worksheet, 142
Implement, and Evaluate) model, communication, starting projects and
72-74 importance of, 23-25
Amend, K., 6, 27, 66, 76, 97, 128, 135 content development meetings, 82-83
  cost savings, 7
B course design document
blogs, 61 checklist, 56
  combining different organizational
C structures, 53-55
challenges contents of, 40
active training, prevailing with, 131-132 example of, 41-42
concrete answers unavailable, 134-136 have learners choose topics, 52-53
content, determining what is needed, information, keeping track of types of,
125-126 44-45
content, making interactive, 133 objectives ...

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