Teach Yourself Visually™ HTML5

Book description

Make mark-up language more manageable with this visual guide

HTML5 is the next-generation of web standard mark-up language, and among other things, it offers amazing new avenues for incorporating multimedia into your sites. What easier way to master all of HTML5's new bells and whistles than with a guide that shows you, screenshot by screenshot, just what to do? Over a hundred tasks that web designers need to know most are explained using, full-color screenshots and how-to steps. From the easy stuff like revised new header and footer elements to complex updates such as canvas and audio, this guide covers the new, as well as most-commonly used, tags and features.

  • Helps you get up to speed on the completely redesigned new HyperText Markup Language, HTML5

  • Shows you how to incorporate rich media content into the sites you design, without relying on proprietary software such as Flash

  • Explains revisions, from essential structural elements like header and footer to more complex elements such as canvas and audio—over a hundred tasks in all

  • Uses easy-to-follow, full-color, two-page tutorials, so you can see step by step how to do tasks and quickly obtain the information you need

Web designers, keep your HTML skills up to date with this "learn-by-seeing," visual guide.

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Trademark Acknowledgments
  5. Contact Us
  6. Credits
  7. About the Author
  8. Author's Acknowledgments
  9. How to Use This Book
    1. Who This Book Is For
    2. The Conventions in This Book
  10. Table of Contents
  11. CHAPTER 1: Getting Started with HTML5 and Web Pages
    1. Internet Basics
    2. Introducing HTML5
    3. Explore Web Browsers
    4. Explore HTML Editors
    5. Understanding HTML5 Syntax
    6. New Features in HTML5
    7. View HTML5 Code in a Browser
  12. CHAPTER 2: Creating Your First HTML5 Web Page
    1. Understanding HTML5 Document Structure
    2. Start an HTML5 Document
    3. Save an HTML5 Document
    4. View an HTML5 Page
    5. Add Metadata
  13. CHAPTER 3: Adding and Modifying Text
    1. Create a New Paragraph
    2. Add a Line Break
    3. Add a Line Break Opportunity
    4. Add a Horizontal Rule
    5. Insert a Blank Space
    6. Make Text Bold
    7. Italicize Text
    8. Insert Preformatted Text
    9. Insert a Heading
    10. Add a Block Quote
    11. Add Small Print
    12. Insert a Comment
    13. Create a Numbered List
    14. Create a Bulleted List
    15. Create a Nested List
    16. Create a Definition List
    17. Define an Abbreviation
    18. Add a Date and Time
    19. Insert Special Characters
    20. Special Characters
  14. CHAPTER 4: Adding CSS Styles
    1. Understanding Style Sheets
    2. Create an Internal Style Sheet
    3. Create an External Style Sheet
    4. Link to a Style Sheet
    5. Apply a Style Locally
    6. Apply a Style to a Tag
    7. Apply a Style Using a Class
    8. Apply a Style Using an ID
    9. Link to Media-specific Style Sheets
    10. Link to Style Sheets for iPads, iPhones, and Android Phones
    11. Define Styles for Nested Tags
  15. CHAPTER 5: Styling Text
    1. Change the Font Size
    2. Indent Text
    3. Change the Color of Text
    4. Change the Font
    5. Change Text Alignment
    6. Change the Text Case
    7. Control Line Spacing
    8. Control Letter Spacing
    9. Add Background Colors
    10. Style a Bulleted List
  16. CHAPTER 6: Adding Images
    1. Understanding Web Page Images
    2. Insert an Image
    3. Specify an Image Size
    4. Add Alternative Text
    5. Create an Image Label
    6. Add an Image as a Figure
    7. Align an Image Horizontally
    8. Align an Image Vertically
    9. Center an Image
    10. Stop Text Wrap
    11. Add Space around an Image
    12. Add a Background Image
    13. Add a Meter Image
  17. CHAPTER 7: Adding Links
    1. Understanding Links
    2. Understanding URLs
    3. Link to Another Page
    4. Open a New Window with a Link
    5. Link to an Area on the Same Page
    6. Link to Another File Type
    7. Link to an E-Mail Address
    8. Change Link Colors
    9. Change Link Hover Effects
    10. Define Link Relationships
  18. CHAPTER 8: Working with Tables
    1. Understanding Table Structure
    2. Add a Table
    3. Add Table Borders
    4. Adjust Cell Padding and Border Spacing
    5. Adjust Cell Width and Height
    6. Add Column Labels
    7. Add a Caption to a Table
    8. Add a Background Color to Cells
    9. Add a Background Color to a Table
    10. Adjust the Table Size
    11. Change Cell Alignment
    12. Change Table Alignment
    13. Extend Cells Across Columns and Rows
    14. Use a Table for Page Layout
  19. CHAPTER 9: Creating Forms
    1. Understanding Forms
    2. Types of Form Elements
    3. Create a Form
    4. Send Form Data to an E-Mail Address
    5. Add a Text Box
    6. Add a Large Text Area
    7. Add Check Boxes
    8. Add Radio Buttons
    9. Add a Menu List
    10. Add a Date and Time Input
    11. Add an E-Mail Field
    12. Add a URL Field
    13. Add a Range Slider
    14. Add a File Upload
    15. Add a Submit Button
    16. Add a Reset Button
    17. Require a Field
    18. Add a Placeholder
    19. Validate Input with a Pattern
  20. CHAPTER 10: Controlling Page Layout
    1. Control Layout
    2. Set Width and Height for an Element
    3. Use Relative Positioning
    4. Use Absolute Positioning
    5. Use Fixed Positioning
    6. Set Margins
    7. Add Padding
    8. Align Elements Horizontally
    9. Control the Overlap of Elements
    10. Apply Styles with a <div> Tag
  21. CHAPTER 11: Adding Semantic Tags
    1. Define a Section
    2. Define an Article
    3. Define a Header
    4. Define Navigation
    5. Define an Aside
    6. Define a Footer
  22. CHAPTER 12: Working with JavaScript
    1. Understanding JavaScript
    2. Understanding Script Events and Handlers
    3. Add JavaScript to a Web Page
    4. Link to a JavaScript File
    5. Insert the Current Date and Time
    6. Display an Alert Message Box
    7. Display a Pop-Up Window
    8. Create an Image Rollover Effect
    9. Show a Hidden Element
    10. Change Page Content
    11. Display a Calculation
  23. CHAPTER 13: Adding Canvases
    1. Understanding Canvases
    2. Set Up a Canvas
    3. Draw Rectangles
    4. Draw Circles
    5. Draw Lines
    6. Add Text
    7. Add an Image
    8. Slice an Image
    9. Add a Gradient
    10. Rotate Canvas Content
    11. Animate Canvas Content
  24. CHAPTER 14: Adding Video and Audio
    1. Understanding Video and Audio
    2. Insert a Video File
    3. Insert an Audio File
    4. Resize a Video
    5. Preload Multimedia
    6. Loop Multimedia
    7. Offer Multiple Sources
    8. Support Older Browsers
    9. Embed a YouTube Video
  25. CHAPTER 15: Publishing Your Web Pages
    1. Understanding Web Page Publishing
    2. Look Up a Domain Name
    3. Transfer Files to a Web Server with FileZilla
    4. Troubleshoot Your Web Pages
  26. HTML Reference
    1. HTML Reference
    2. HTML Reference
    3. HTML Reference
  27. Index: Numbers

Product information

  • Title: Teach Yourself Visually™ HTML5
  • Author(s): Mike Wooldridge
  • Release date: August 2011
  • Publisher(s): Visual
  • ISBN: 9781118063323