Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell

Book description

The Tcl language and Tk graphical toolkit are simple and powerful building blocks for custom applications. The Tcl/Tk combination is increasingly popular because it lets you produce sophisticated graphical interfaces with a few easy commands, develop and change scripts quickly, and conveniently tie together existing utilities or programming libraries.One of the attractive features of Tcl/Tk is the wide variety of commands, many offering a wealth of options. Most of the things you'd like to do have been anticipated by the language's creator, John Ousterhout, or one of the developers of Tcl/Tk's many powerful extensions. Thus, you'll find that a command or option probably exists to provide just what you need.And that's why it's valuable to have a quick reference that briefly describes every command and option in the core Tcl/Tk distribution as well as the most popular extensions. Keep this book on your desk as you write scripts, and you'll be able to find almost instantly the particular option you need.Most chapters consist of alphabetical listings. Since Tk and mega-widget packages break down commands by widget, the chapters on these topics are organized by widget along with a section of core commands where appropriate. Contents include:

  • Core Tcl and Tk commands and Tk widgets
  • C interface (prototypes)
  • Expect
  • [incr Tcl] and [incr Tk]
  • Tix
  • TclX
  • BLT
  • Oratcl, SybTcl, and Tclodbc

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Table of contents

  1. Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell
    1. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
    2. Preface
      1. Conventions
      2. Contact O'Reilly & Associates
      3. About This Book
      4. Acknowledgments
    3. 1. Introduction
      1. What Is Tcl?
      2. Structure of This Book
    4. 2. Tcl Core Commands
      1. Overview
      2. Basic Language Features
      3. Command-Line Options
      4. Environment Variables
      5. Special Variables
      6. Backslash Substitutions
      7. Operators and Math Functions
      8. Regular Expressions
      9. Pattern Globbing
      10. Predefined I/O Channel Identifiers
      11. Group Listing of Commands
        1. Control Statements
        2. File Manipulation
        3. Tcl Interpreter Information
        4. Lists
        5. Arrays
        6. Strings
        7. Input/Output
        8. System Interaction
        9. Command History
        10. Multiple Interpreters
        11. Packages
        12. Miscellaneous Commands
      12. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
        1. after
        2. append
        3. array
        4. auto_execok
        5. auto_load
        6. auto_mkindex
        7. auto_reset
        8. bgerror
        9. binary
        10. break
        11. case
        12. catch
        13. cd
        14. clock
        15. close
        16. concat
        17. continue
        18. eof
        19. error
        20. eval
        21. exec
        22. exit
        23. expr
        24. fblocked
        25. fconfigure
        26. fcopy
        27. file
        28. fileevent
        29. flush
        30. for
        31. foreach
        32. format
        33. gets
        34. glob
        35. global
        36. history
        37. if
        38. incr
        39. info
        40. interp
        41. join
        42. lappend
        43. lindex
        44. linsert
        45. list
        46. llength
        47. load
        48. lrange
        49. lreplace
        50. lsearch
        51. lsort
        52. namespace
        53. open
        54. package
        55. pid
        56. pkg_mkIndex
        57. proc
        58. puts
        59. pwd
        60. read
        61. regexp
        62. regsub
        63. rename
        64. return
        65. scan
        66. seek
        67. set
        68. socket
        69. source
        70. split
        71. string
        72. subst
        73. switch
        74. tell
        75. time
        76. trace
        77. unknown
        78. unset
        79. update
        80. uplevel
        81. upvar
        82. variable
        83. vwait
        84. while
    5. 3. Tk Core Commands
      1. Example
      2. Command-Line Options
      3. Environment Variable
      4. Special Variables
      5. Group Listing of Tk Commands
        1. Widgets
        2. Geometry Management
        3. Event Handling
        4. Focus
        5. Dialogs
        6. Miscellaneous
      6. Widget Overview
        1. Standard Widget Options
      7. Widget Commands
        1. button
        2. canvas
        3. checkbutton
        4. entry
        5. frame
        6. label
        7. listbox
        8. menu
        9. menubutton
        10. message
        11. radiobutton
        12. scale
        13. scrollbar
        14. text
        15. toplevel
      8. Utility Commands
        1. bell
        2. bind
        3. bindtags
        4. clipboard
        5. destroy
        6. event
        7. focus
        8. font
        9. grab
        10. grid
        11. image
        12. lower
        13. option
        14. pack
        15. place
        16. raise
        17. selection
        18. send
        19. tk
        20. tkwait
        21. tk_
        22. winfo
        23. wm
    6. 4. The Tcl C Interface
      1. Constants
      2. Data Types
      3. Group Listing of Functions
        1. Tcl Objects
        2. Interpreters and Script Evaluation
        3. Creating New Tcl Commands
        4. Initialization and Packages
        5. Parsing
        6. Exceptions
        7. Accessing Tcl Variables
        8. Hash Tables
        9. String Utilities
        10. POSIX Utilities
        11. Input/Output
        12. Notifier and Events
        13. Miscellaneous
      4. Alphabetical Summary of Functions
    7. 5. The Tk C Interface
      1. Constants
      2. Data Types
      3. Group Listing of Functions
        1. Windows
        2. Configuring Widgets
        3. Bitmaps and Photo Images
        4. Events
        5. Displaying Widgets
        6. Canvases
        7. Text
        8. The Selection
        9. Geometry Management
        10. Application Startup and Initialization
        11. Error Handling
        12. Color
        13. Cursors
        14. Miscellaneous
      4. Alphabetical Summary of Functions
    8. 6. Expect
      1. Overview
      2. Example
      3. Command-Line Options
      4. Environment Variables
      5. Special Variables
      6. Grouped Summary of Commands
        1. Process Interaction
        2. Utility Commands
        3. Synonyms
      7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
        1. close
        2. debug
        3. disconnect
        4. exit
        5. exp_continue
        6. exp_getpid
        7. exp_internal
        8. exp_open
        9. exp_pid
        10. expect
        11. expect_after
        12. expect_background
        13. expect_before
        14. expect_tty
        15. expect_user
        16. expect_version
        17. fork
        18. inter_return
        19. interact
        20. interpreter
        21. log_file
        22. log_user
        23. match_max
        24. overlay
        25. parity
        26. remove_nulls
        27. send
        28. send_error
        29. send_log
        30. send_tty
        31. send_user
        32. sleep
        33. spawn
        34. strace
        35. stty
        36. system
        37. timestamp
        38. trap
        39. wait
    9. 7. [incr Tcl]
      1. Basic Class Definition
      2. Special Variables
      3. Group Listing of Commands
        1. Classes
        2. Objects
        3. Miscellaneous
      4. Example
      5. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
        1. className
        2. objName
        3. body
        4. class
        5. code
        6. configbody
        7. delete
        8. ensemble
        9. find
        10. itcl_class
        11. itcl_info
        12. local
        13. Scope
    10. 8. [incr Tk]
      1. Basic Structure of a Mega-widget
      2. Special Variable
      3. Methods and Variables
        1. Public Methods
        2. Protected Methods
        3. Protected Variables
      4. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
        1. usual
    11. 9. Tix
      1. Tix Overview
      2. Special Variables
      3. Group Listing of Tix Commands
        1. Mega-widgets
        2. Standard Widgets
        3. Core Commands
      4. Tix Mega-widget Overview
      5. Tix Mega-widgets
        1. Balloon
        2. ButtonBox
        3. CheckList
        4. ComboBox
        5. Control
        6. DialogShell
        7. DirList
        8. DirSelectBox
        9. DirSelectDialog
        10. DirTree
        11. ExFileSelectBox
        12. ExFileSelectDialog
        13. FileComboBox
        14. FileEntry
        15. FileSelectBox
        16. FileSelectDialog
        17. LabelEntry
        18. LabelFrame
        19. LabelWidget
        20. ListNoteBook
        21. Meter
        22. NoteBook
        23. OptionMenu
        24. PanedWindow
        25. PopupMenu
        26. Primitive
        27. ScrolledGrid
        28. ScrolledHList
        29. ScrolledListBox
        30. ScrolledText
        31. ScrolledTList
        32. ScrolledWidget
        33. ScrolledWindow
        34. Select
        35. Shell
        36. StackWindow
        37. StdButtonBox
        38. StdDialogShell
        39. Tree
        40. VStack
        41. VTree
      6. Tix Standard Widgets Overview
        1. Display Items
          1. Image Items
          2. Imagetext Items
          3. Text Items
          4. Window Items
      7. Tix Standard Widgets
        1. Grid
        2. HList
        3. InputOnly
        4. NoteBookFrame
        5. TList
      8. Tix Core Commands
        1. tix
        2. CallMethod
        3. ChainMethod
        4. Class
        5. Descendants
        6. Destroy
        7. DisableAll
        8. DisplayStyle
        9. EnableAll
        10. Form
        11. GetBoolean
        12. GetInt
        13. Mwm
        14. PopGrab
        15. PushGrab
        16. WidgetClass
      9. Tix Extensions to Tk image Command
        1. image
        2. image
    12. 10. TclX
      1. Special Variables
      2. Group Listing of Commands
        1. General Commands
        2. Debugging and Development Commands
        3. Unix Access Commands
        4. File Commands
        5. File Scanning Commands
        6. Math Commands
        7. List Manipulation Commands
        8. Keyed List Commands
        9. String and Character Manipulation Commands
        10. XPG/3 Message Catalog Commands
        11. Help Commands
        12. Library and Package Commands
      3. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
        1. abs
        2. acos
        3. alarm
        4. apropos
        5. asin
        6. atan
        7. atan2
        8. auto_commands
        9. auto_load_file
        10. auto_packages
        11. bsearch
        12. buildpackageindex
        13. catclose
        14. catgets
        15. catopen
        16. ccollate
        17. cconcat
        18. ceil
        19. cequal
        20. chgrp
        21. chmod
        22. chown
        23. chroot
        24. cindex
        25. clength
        26. cmdtrace
        27. commandloop
        28. convert_lib
        29. cos
        30. cosh
        31. crange
        32. csubstr
        33. ctoken
        34. ctype
        35. dirs
        36. double
        37. dup
        38. echo
        39. edprocs
        40. execl
        41. exp
        42. fcntl
        43. flock
        44. floor
        45. fmod
        46. for_array_keys
        47. for_file
        48. for_recursive_glob
        49. fork
        50. fstat
        51. ftruncate
        52. funlock
        53. help
        54. helpcd
        55. helppwd
        56. host_info
        57. hypot
        58. id
        59. infox
        60. int
        61. intersect
        62. intersect3
        63. keyldel
        64. keylget
        65. keylkeys
        66. keylset
        67. kill
        68. lassign
        69. lcontain
        70. lempty
        71. lgets
        72. link
        73. lmatch
        74. loadlibindex
        75. log
        76. log10
        77. loop
        78. lrmdups
        79. lvarcat
        80. lvarpop
        81. lvarpush
        82. mainloop
        83. max
        84. min
        85. nice
        86. pipe
        87. popd
        88. pow
        89. profile
        90. profrep
        91. pushd
        92. random
        93. read_file
        94. readdir
        95. recursive_glob
        96. replicate
        97. round
        98. saveprocs
        99. scancontext
        100. scanfile
        101. scanmatch
        102. searchpath
        103. select
        104. showproc
        105. signal
        106. sin
        107. sinh
        108. sleep
        109. sqrt
        110. sync
        111. system
        112. tan
        113. tanh
        114. tclx_errorHandler
        115. times
        116. translit
        117. try_eval
        118. umask
        119. union
        120. wait
        121. write_file
    13. 11. BLT
      1. Environment Variable
      2. Special Variables
      3. Group Listing of Commands
        1. Graphical Commands
        2. Numerical Data Commands
        3. Tile Widget Commands
        4. Utility Commands
      4. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
        1. barchart
        2. beep
        3. bgexec
        4. bitmap
        5. bltdebug
        6. busy
        7. container
        8. cutbuffer
        9. drag&drop
        10. graph
        11. hierbox
        12. htext
        13. spline
        14. stripchart
        15. table
        16. tabset
        17. tile
        18. vector
        19. watch
        20. winop
    14. 12. Oratcl
      1. Overview
      2. Example
      3. Environment Variables
      4. Special Variables
      5. Group Listing of Commands
        1. Database Server Setup Commands
        2. Data Manipulation Commands
      6. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
        1. oraautocom
        2. orabindexec
        3. orabreak
        4. oracancel
        5. oraclose
        6. oracols
        7. oracommit
        8. orafetch
        9. oralogoff
        10. oralogon
        11. oraopen
        12. oraplexec
        13. orapoll
        14. orareadlong
        15. oraroll
        16. orasql
        17. orawritelong
    15. 13. Sybtcl
      1. Overview
      2. Example
      3. Environment Variables
      4. Special Variables
      5. Group Listing of Commands
        1. Database Server Setup Commands
        2. Data Manipulation Commands
      6. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
        1. sybcancel
        2. sybclose
        3. sybcols
        4. sybconnect
        5. sybnext
        6. sybpoll
        7. sybreadtext
        8. sybretval
        9. sybsql
        10. sybuse
        11. sybwritetext
    16. 14. Tclodbc
      1. Overview
      2. Group Listing of Commands
        1. Connection and Configuration Commands
        2. Data Manipulation Commands
        3. Statement Commands
      3. Summary of Commands
        1. database
        2. database-id
        3. statement-id
    17. 15. Hints and Tips for the Tcl Programmer
      1. Think Commands, Not Statements
      2. Comments Are Treated as Commands
      3. A Symbolic Gesture
      4. Lists Are Strings, but Not All Strings Are Lists
      5. Indirect References
      6. Executing Other Programs
      7. When Is a Number Not a Number?
      8. Quoting and More Quoting
      9. Write Once, Run Where?
        1. Filenames and Pathnames
        2. End of Line Conventions
        3. Determining Platform Specifics
        4. Scanning and For matting Binary Data
      10. Common Tk Errors
        1. Global Scope for -variable and -textvariable
        2. The -command String Must Be a Tcl List
        3. Use update to Refresh Widgets and for Event Processing
      11. Use the Source, Luke!
    18. A. Tcl Resources
      1. Web Sites
        1. General
        2. Tcl/Tk Extensions
      2. Usenet Newsgroups
          1. Books
      3. Mailing Lists
    19. Index
    20. About the Authors
    21. Colophon
    22. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly

Product information

  • Title: Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell
  • Author(s): Paul Raines, Jeff Tranter
  • Release date: March 1999
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596555795