ACA | Airport Carbon Accreditation |
AGI | Airports Council International |
AI | Artificial intelligence |
BEIS | Department for Business, Energy &Industrial Strategy |
BER | Building emission rate |
BIM | Building information modelling |
BIS | Department for Business Innovation and Skills |
BOS | Blast oxygen furnaces |
BRE | Building Research Establishment |
BREEAM | Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method |
BS | British Standards |
BS EN | British Standard European Norm |
BSI | British Standards Institution |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CC | Carbon cost |
CCA | Carbon cost analysis |
CENTC | Europ ea n Commi ttee for Sta nda rdiza ti on Tech n ica 1 Committee |
CFC | Chlorofluorocarbon |
CIBSE | Chartered Institution of Building Services ... |
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