This book gathers selected papers presented at the Joint CTS-HYCON Workshop on Nonlinear and Hybrid Control, held at Paris Sorbonne University (Paris IV) on 10-12 July 2006. The book contains timely theoretical and applied contributions to the analysis and control of nonlinear and hybrid systems.
CTS stands for Control Training Site ( and is a Multi-partner Marie Curie Training Site funded by the European Commission in the framework of the FP5 Programme Improving Human Research Potential & the Socio-economic Knowledge Base. HYCON is the acronym of the Network of Excellence entitled "Hybrid Control: Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Networked Embedded Systems" ( funded by the European Commission in the framework of the FP6 Programme Information Society Technologies. The CTS aimed to partially train outside their home university any European student starting or pursuing doctoral studies in the area of control and optimization, including various domains of control theory, optimization and control engineering. The objective of the NoE HYCON is to establish a durable community of leading researchers and practitioners who develop approaches to the design of networked embedded control systems as found, e.g., in industrial production, transportation systems, generation and distribution of energy, communication systems. In this latter framework, the recently created European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) aims to act on the triangle education, ...
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