8.3 OPERATIONS IN Zp[x]/f(x)
Given a polynomial
of degree n (fn ≠ 0) whose coefficients belong to Zp (p prime), the set Zp[x] /f(x) of polynomials of degree less than n, modulo f(x), is a finite ring (Chapter 2, Section 2.2.2).
8.3.1 Addition and Subtraction
Given two polynomials
the addition and the subtraction are defined as follows:
where ai + bi and ai − bi are computed modulo p. Assume that two procedures
procedure modular_addition (a, b: in coefficient; m: in module; c: out coefficient); procedure modular_subtraction (a, b: in coefficient; m: in module; c: out coefficient);
have been defined. They compute (a + b) mod m and (a − b) mod m (see Sections 8.1.1 and 8.1.2). Then the addition and subtraction of polynomials are performed componentwise.
Algorithm 8.17 Addition of Polynomials
for i in 0..n−1 loop modular_addition (a(i), b(i), p, c(i)); end loop;
Algorithm 8.18 Subtraction of Polynomials
for i in 0..n−1 loop modular_subtraction (a(i), b(i), p, c(i)); end loop;
8.3.2 Multiplication
Given two polynomials
their product z(x)=a(x).b(x) can be computed as follows:
The ...
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