
Chapter 1

1. Davidson, A. (2010).

2. A display featuring this industry can be seen in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.

3. Chadwin et al. (1990), p. 1.

4. See Williamson (1998, 2009).

5. Melish (1916), pp. 73–75; Kettell (1916), pp. 280–284.

6. Foreman (2011), pp. 155–174.

7. Bloom times (2011), p. 42.

8. Smith (1937), pp. 3–12.

9. Schumpeter (1954), p. 607.

10. “So much gained” (2009), p. 11.

11. Winchester (2008), p. 8–10.

12. Maylie (2011), p. B1.

13. Maylie (2011), p. B1.

14. Economic report (1956), p. 148.

15. Sanders (2009a), p. B1; Sanders (2009b), p. B2.

16. Winning and Lee (2011), p. B3.

17. Kane and Clark (2009), p. B1.

Chapter 2

1. Majima (1994), p. 25.

2. Orlicky (1975).

3. Greene (1987), p. 4.2.

4. Hall (1981). ...

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