
Accounting and analytics

accounting professionals, 55–56

audit and fraud-detection procedures, 55

audit process, 49–50

big data, 51

business planning, 50

business process management, 51

data experts, 53–55

data integrity and reporting, 56

organizational silos, 56

organizational support, 57–58

practitioner perspectives, 50

presentation tools and graphics, 136–137

regression analyses, 52

stakeholder decision making

exploratory research, 121

information visualizing, 120

key performance questions, 119

presentation, 121

quantitative information, 120

quantitative methods, 119–120

stakeholder requirements, 49

strategic headset, 52–53

strategic management accounting, 122–123

Ambassadorship, 87–88

Business process management (BPM)

accounting professionals ...

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