Learning Outside the Nonprofit/NGO Sector and the Fund Development Field
Throughout this book you’ll find theories, authors, and reading recommendations outside the field of philanthropy and outside the nonprofit/NGO sector. Sometimes I incorporate the readings into the text. Other times, I just recommend titles and authors to you—and maybe include some brief annotation, hoping to intrigue you to go to the source yourself.
My advice to you and all professionals: Expand your horizons if you don’t already. Then expand your horizons even more.
My biggest professional growth often happens outside the fundraising profession. Then I apply it to the fundraising profession. And, since I believe I’m supposed to be an organizational development specialist—not just a fundraising technician—then reading outside fundraising isn’t negotiable. Moreover, reading outside the nonprofit/NGO sector is equally important.5
Maybe my interest beyond fundraising is because I moved from an executive director position to a development professional position. I was leery of the development position. I wasn’t sure I’d like that limited focus. I certainly didn’t want to give up leadership roles in strategic planning and board and management development. As time passed, I realized that I was a better fundraiser because of my experience as an executive director.
Here are three business/life books that I read while writing this third edition. These three books really hit me hard. I think every fundraiser, chief ...
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