Thank you, working stage managers, for sharing your expertise: Bob Bones; Jill Cordle; Martha Donaldson; Meg Friedman; Sarah Heggie; Jill Kozumplik.

Thank you, theatre workers: Judy Cheng, Director of Marketing, Clear-Com, Inc.; Kay Cleaves, Founder, SMNetwork; David Grindle, Executive Director, USITT; Jim Guy, Properties Director, Milwaukee Repertory Theatre; Christopher King, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory; Elynmarie Kazle, Chair, Stage Managers’ Association; Paul Puppo, Illumineering; Bernita Robinson, Actors’ Equity Association; Steven L. Shelley, Field Template, LLC.

Thank you, college instructors of stage management who reviewed the Tenth Edition and made significant contributions to the Eleventh: Michael Burnett, Angelo ...

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