Chapter 3. SQL Statement Command Reference
This chapter is the heart of SQL in a Nutshell, Second Edition. It is an alphabetical listing of SQL commands with detailed explanations and examples. Each command and function is identified in Table 3-1 as being “supported,” “supported with variations,” “supported with limitations,” or “not supported,” for each of the five SQL dialects covered in this book: DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server. After a brief description of the SQL2003 standard, each vendor application is discussed briefly but thoroughly, with supporting examples. If a specific platform does not support a particular command, that fact will be noted in the table that heads the command and then the command will not be listed for that platform. Similarly, although SQL in a Nutshel l, Second Edition, is not a comprehensive review of the SQL2003 standard, each command has been validated against SQL2003.
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