Special Edition Using FileMaker 8

Book description

If you’re looking for the inside scoop on the latest version of FileMaker, you’ve come to the right place. Authors Scott Love and Steve Lane are FileMaker experts who were involved in the development of FileMaker 8, and they bring that knowledge to you in Special Edition Using FileMaker 8. Frequent tips, case studies, and thorough examples show you how to avoid mistakes and save time in developing databases with FileMaker 8. This is the comprehensive reference that every database developer needs on their shelf.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. About the Authors
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. We Want to Hear from You!
  5. Reader Services
  6. Introduction
    1. Best of Three Worlds
    2. How This Book Is Organized
      1. Part I: “Getting Started with FileMaker 8”
      2. Part II: “Developing Solutions with FileMaker”
      3. Part III: “Developer Techniques”
      4. Part IV: “Data Integration and Publishing”
      5. Part V: “Deploying a FileMaker Solution”
      6. Special Features
      7. Typographic Conventions Used in This Book
        1. Key Combinations and Menu Choices
        2. Typographic Conventions Used for FileMaker Scripts
    3. Who Should Use This Book
  7. I. Getting Started with FileMaker 8
    1. 1. FileMaker Overview
      1. FileMaker and Its Marketplace
        1. Rapid Application Development
        2. Low Total Cost of Ownership
        3. FileMaker Is a Seasoned Platform
        4. You’re Not Alone
      2. Introduction to Database Software
        1. Database Software
          1. Off-the-Shelf Software
          2. Custom Development Software
        2. What Database Software Does
      3. Overview of the FileMaker 8 Product Line
      4. FileMaker Deployment Options
        1. Single User
        2. Peer-to-Peer Hosting
        3. FileMaker Server Hosting
        4. FileMaker Server Advanced Hosting
        5. Kiosk Mode
        6. FileMaker Single-User Runtime
        7. Extending the Functionality of FileMaker Pro
      5. What’s New in FileMaker Pro 8
        1. New Features
          1. Features for Users
          2. Programming Features
          3. New User Interface Controls
        2. FileMaker 7/8 Architecture
          1. File Format
          2. Relationships Graph
          3. Enhanced Relationship Functionality
          4. Multiple Windows per File
          5. Security
          6. Calculations
          7. Scripts
          8. Layouts
          9. Web
        3. Technical Specifications
    2. 2. Using FileMaker Pro
      1. Getting Started
        1. Records and Fields
        2. Understanding Tables
        3. FileMaker Pro Navigation
          1. Layouts
          2. The Status Area
          3. FileMaker Pro Modes
          5. Buttons
          6. Tab Control Objects
      2. Working in FileMaker Pro
        1. Opening a Database
          1. Local Files
          2. Remote Files
        2. Creating a New Database from a Template
        3. Creating and Deleting Records
        4. Working with Fields
          1. Data in Formatted Fields
          2. Modifying Value Lists
          3. Using the “Other” Value in Value Lists
        5. Field Types
          1. Saving and Retrieving Information in Container Fields
          2. Global Storage
        6. Data Validation
        7. Manipulating Records in Portals
          1. Understanding the Mechanics of a Portal
          2. Creating and Deleting Portal Rows
          3. Portal Sorting
        8. Working with a Found Set
        9. Using Find Mode to Perform a Find Request
          1. Search Symbols
          2. Shortcuts for Fast Finding
          3. Multiple Find Requests
          4. Constrain and Extend Requests
          5. Modify Last Find
          6. Finding on Multiple Layouts
        10. Omitting and Showing All Records
        11. Sorting
        12. Printing
        13. Presenting Data with Subsummary Reports
        14. Importing and Exporting Data
        15. Saving PDF and Excel Documents
      3. Troubleshooting
        1. Data Loss
        2. Data Integrity
        3. Reverting Records
        4. File Corruption and File Recovery
      4. FileMaker Extra: Becoming a FileMaker Pro Power User
        1. Technique 1: Using Your Keyboard for More Speed
        2. Technique 2: Working with Table View
        3. Technique 3: Replacing Data
        4. Technique 4: Inserting Specific Information
        5. Technique 5: Getting to Know Your Entire Database
        6. Technique 6: Using Multitiered Sorts
        7. Technique 7: Using Multiple Windows
        8. Technique 8: Applying Text Styling and Tabs
    3. 3. Defining and Working with Fields
      1. Working Under the Hood
        1. New Databases Begin with Field Definitions
        2. Using the Define Database Dialog
      2. Working with Fields
        1. Field Naming Conventions
        2. Adding Field Comments
        3. Creating New Fields
      3. Working with Field Types
        1. Text
        2. Number
        3. Date
        4. Time
        5. Timestamp
        6. Container
        7. Calculation
        8. Summary
      4. Assigning Field Options
        1. Auto-Entry Field Options
          1. Creation and Modification
          2. Serial Number
          3. Value from Last Visited Record
          4. Data
          5. Calculated Value
          6. Looked-Up Value
          7. Housekeeping Creation and Modification Fields
        2. Field Validation
          1. Validation Conditions and Failure
          2. When Validation Occurs
        3. Storage and Indexing
          1. Global Storage
          2. Repeating Fields
          3. Indexing
        4. Furigana
      5. Troubleshooting
        1. Mismatched Data Types
        2. Mismatched Calculation Results
        3. Problematic Field Names
        4. Validation Traps
      6. FileMaker Extra: Indexing in FileMaker
    4. 4. Working with Layouts
      1. What’s a Layout?
      2. Creating and Managing Layouts
        1. Creating a New Layout
        2. Layout Context
        3. Layout Setup
          1. Layout Names
          2. View Options
          3. Multicolumn Layouts
        4. Hiding and Reordering Layouts
        5. Restricting Access to Layouts
      3. Working with Parts
        1. Adding and Ordering Parts
        2. Formatting a Part
        3. Part Definition
      4. Working with Objects on a Layout
        1. Adding Objects to a Layout
          1. Specifying Object Attributes
          2. The Format Painter Tool
          3. Setting Default Object Attributes
          4. Duplicating Layout Objects
        2. Positioning Objects on a Layout
          1. Selecting Objects On A Layout
          2. Moving Objects
          3. Resizing Objects
          4. The Object Grid
          5. The Size Palette
        3. Arranging Objects
          1. Grouping Objects
          2. Locking Objects
          3. Aligning Objects
          4. Layering Objects
          5. Sliding Objects
      5. Working with the Tab Control Object
        1. Adding a Tab Control Object to a Layout
      6. Working with Fields
        1. Adding Fields to Layouts
        2. Field Control Style
        3. Field Behavior
        4. Setting the Tab Order
        5. Merge Fields
      7. Portals
      8. Troubleshooting
        1. Copying and Pasting Fields Between Files
        2. Determining Which Records Will Be Displayed on a Layout
      9. FileMaker Extra: Designing Cross-Platform–Friendly Layouts
  8. II. Developing Solutions with FileMaker
    1. 5. Relational Database Design
      1. Understanding Database Design
      2. Database Analysis
      3. Working with Entities and Attributes
        1. Entities Versus Attributes: A Case Study
        2. Design as an Iterative Process
      4. Understanding Relationships
        1. Representing Relationships in a Diagram
        2. Relationship Types
          1. One-to-One Relationships
          2. One-to-Many Relationships
          3. Many-to-One Relationships
          4. Many-to-Many Relationships
        3. Relationship Cardinality
      5. Relationship Optionality
        1. Optionality in Many-to-Many Relationships
        2. Optionality in One-to-Many Relationships
          1. Optionality in One-to-Many Relationships: Loose Binding
          2. Optionality in One-to-Many Relationships: Tight Binding
        3. Optionality in One-to-One Relationships
      6. Understanding the Role of Keys in Database Design
        1. Keys That Determine Uniqueness
        2. Keys That Refer to Other Tables
      7. Many-to-Many Relationships: Solving the Puzzle
        1. Attributes in a Join Entity
        2. Additional Many-to-Many Examples
          1. Actors and Movies
          2. Books and Libraries
      8. The Basics of Process Analysis
        1. Process Analysis: Legal Documents
          1. Determining Entities
          2. Adding Attributes
          3. Add the Primary Keys
          4. Add the Foreign Keys
          5. Add the “Other” Attributes
      9. FileMaker Extra: Complex Many-to-Many Relationships
    2. 6. Working with Multiple Tables
      1. Multitable Systems in FileMaker Pro
      2. Creating a One-to-Many Relationship in FileMaker
        1. Creating the First Table in a Multitable System
        2. Adding a Table to a Multitable System
        3. Adding a Relationship
      3. Working with Keys and Match Fields
      4. Understanding Table Context
      5. Working with Related Data
        1. Using a Portal to View Related Child Data
        2. Using a Portal to Add Related Records
        3. Working with Related Parent Data in a Child File
        4. Portals Versus Related Fields: Which Is Which?
      6. Creating a Many-to-Many Relationship
        1. Building the Structure
        2. Creating a Data Entry Interface
        3. Using a Value List for Data Entry
          1. Defining a Value List to Draw Data from a Table
      7. Relational Integrity
        1. Using a Value List to Ensure Relational Integrity
        2. Preserving Referential Integrity During Deletion
      8. Rapid Multitable Development
      9. Troubleshooting
        1. Repeating Portals
        2. Accidental Delete Restrictions
      10. FileMaker Extra: Building a Three-Way Join
    3. 7. Working with Relationships
      1. Relationships Graphs and ERDs
      2. Relationships as Queries
        1. Non-Equijoins
        2. Adding a Table Occurrence to the Relationships Graph
        3. Defining a Relationship with Multiple Match Criteria
      3. Creating Self-Relationships
        1. Managers and Employees: A “Structural” Self-Relationship
          1. Using Value Lists to Speed Up Self-Join Data Entry
          2. Creating Additional Table Occurrences to Display Related Data
        2. An “Exclusionary” Self-Relationship
      4. Creating Ranged Relationships
      5. Creating Cross-Product Relationships
      6. Working with Data from Distant Tables
      7. Working with Multiple Files
        1. Creating a File Reference
        2. Adding an External Table to the Relationships Graph
      8. How and When to Use Multiple Files
        1. Working with Converted Files
        2. Separation of a System into Modules
          1. Ease of Shared Development
          2. Ease of Maintenance
          3. Separation of Data and Application Logic
          4. Working Toward Reuse
      9. Troubleshooting
        1. Trouble Creating Related Records with Non-Equijoins
        2. No OR Conditions with Multiple Match Criteria
      10. FileMaker Extra: Managing the Relationships Graph
    4. 8. Getting Started with Calculations
      1. Understanding How and Where Calculations Are Used
        1. Writing Calculation Formulas
        2. Uses for Calculation Formulas
      2. Exploring the Calculation Dialog Box
        1. Specifying Context
        2. Writing the Formula
          1. Selecting Fields
          2. Choosing Operators
          3. Selecting Functions
          4. Writing Legible Formulas
        3. Other Options
          1. Data Type
          2. Number of Repetitions
          3. Do Not Evaluate
          4. Storage Options
      3. Essential Functions
        1. The Parts of a Function
        2. Text Operations
          1. Trim()
          2. Substitute()
          3. Case-Altering Functions
          4. Text-Parsing Functions
        3. Nested Functions
        4. Number Functions
        5. Working with Dates and Times
      4. Using Conditional Functions
      5. Aggregate Functions
      6. Learning About the Environment
        1. Get Functions
        2. Design Functions
      7. Troubleshooting
        1. Formulas in Scripts Require Explicit Table Context
        2. Errors Due to Improper Data Type Selection
      8. FileMaker Extra: Tips for Becoming a Calculation Master
    5. 9. Getting Started with Scripting
      1. Scripts in FileMaker Pro
      2. Creating Scripts
        1. The ScriptMaker Interface
        2. Script Naming Practices
        3. Script Editing
        4. Full Access Privileges
        5. Commenting Scripts
        6. Using a Script Template
        7. Using Subscripts
      3. Common Scripting Topics
        1. Error Management
          1. Allow User Abort
          2. Set Error Capture
        2. Setting and Controlling Data
        3. Providing User Navigation
          1. Script Context and Internal Navigation
        4. Saved Script Options
          1. Find Script Steps
          2. Sort Script Step
        5. Using Conditional Logic
        6. Using Loops
        7. Working with Custom Dialogs
      4. Triggering Scripts
      5. Working with Buttons on Layouts
      6. Troubleshooting
        1. Lost Error Messages in Scripts
        2. Unfinished Scripts
        3. Editing the Correct Related Records
        4. Conditional Error Defaults
        5. Testing Loops
      7. FileMaker Extra: Creating a Script Library
    6. 10. Getting Started with Reporting
      1. Deriving Meaning from Data
        1. Begin with the End in Mind
        2. Determine Report Requirements
        3. Generic Versus Specific Report Structures
      2. Working with Lists of Data
        1. Trailing Summaries
        2. Alternating Row Color
        3. Horizontal and Vertical Dividers
        4. Sorting by Columns
          1. Using Repeating Fields for Column Highlights
          2. Adding Ascending/Descending Logic for Column Sorting
        5. Go to Detail
      3. Summarized Reports
        1. Using a Break Field
        2. Creating a Subsummary Report
        3. Using Summary Fields in Subsummary Reports
        4. Calculations Involving Summary Fields
        5. Summarizing on Multiple Criteria
        6. Reordering a Report Based on Summary Data
        7. Subsummary Reports with No Body Part
        8. Charting in FileMaker
      4. Delivering Reports
        1. Save/Send as PDF
        2. Save/Send as Excel
        3. Send Mail
      5. Troubleshooting
        1. Printed Reports Show Only a Single Record
        2. Slow Generation of Subsummary Reports
      6. FileMaker Extra: Incorporating Reports into the Workflow
  9. III. Developer Techniques
    1. 11. Developing for Multiuser Deployment
      1. Developing for Multiple Users
      2. “Sessions” in FileMaker Pro
        1. Session-Specific Elements
        2. Global Behavior
        3. User Accounts and Session Data
      3. Concurrency
        1. The ACID Test
        2. Script Log
        3. Commit Versus Create and Serial IDs
        4. Record Locking
          1. Trapping for Record Locking in Scripts
          2. Multiwindow Locking
        5. Multicontext Locking Within Scripts
      4. Audit Trails in FileMaker Pro
        1. Record Create/Modify Meta Data
        2. Script-Controlled Editing
        3. Auto-Entry Technique for Audit Trails
        4. Creating Rollback Functionality
      5. Launch Files
      6. Troubleshooting
        1. Unpredictable Global Default Values
        2. Use Re-Login for Testing Access and Sessions
        3. Making Sure That Your Auto-Entry Always Edits
        4. Trapping for Errors
      7. FileMaker Extra: Development with a Team
    2. 12. Implementing Security
      1. Approaching Security
        1. Identifying Risks
        2. Planning Security
          1. Using a Security Matrix
          2. Planning Implementation
      2. User-Level Internal Security
        1. User Accounts
          1. Default Accounts and Automatic Login
          2. Account Management
        2. Privilege Sets
          1. Controlling Data Access
          2. Conditional Privileges
          3. Controlling Layout Use and Development
          4. Controlling Access to Value Lists
          5. Controlling the Capability to Run Scripts
          6. Setting Other Feature Privileges
        3. Extended Privileges
          1. Default Extended Privileges
          2. Custom Extended Privileges
      3. File-Level Access Security
        1. Server Administration Security
        2. Security over the Network
        3. User Authentication
        4. External Authentication
        5. File List Filtering
      4. Troubleshooting
        1. Forgotten Admin Password
        2. Converted Passwords
        3. Database Doesn’t Appear on FileMaker Server
        4. Closing and Reopening File for Testing
      5. FileMaker Extra: Working with Multiple Files
    3. 13. Advanced Interface Techniques
      1. User Interfaces in FileMaker Pro
        1. FileMaker’s Native User Interface
        2. Building Your Own Interface
        3. Interface Look and Feel
        4. Single File Interface Versus Distributed Interface
      2. Navigation
        1. Tabbed Navigation
          1. Navigation Mediator and the Global Nav Script
          2. Branched Layout Navigation
          3. Back Buttons
        2. Controlling the Tab Control Object Using a Script
        3. Other Navigation User Interfaces
      3. Multiwindow Interfaces
        1. Tool and Function Palettes
        2. Rich Dialog Windows
        3. Special Effects
          1. Marquee Titles
          2. Expanding Windows
          3. Hiding Windows
      4. Working with Custom Menus
        1. Menu Sets Interface
        2. Customizing a Menu
        3. Customizing a Menu Item
        4. Loading and Activating Menu Sets
        5. Creating a New Menu from Scratch
      5. Showing/Hiding Layout Elements
      6. Dedicated Find Layouts
        1. Dedicated Find Mode Layouts
        2. Script-Driven Finds
      7. Data Presentation
        1. Text Formatting
        2. Auto-Formatting Data to Provide Visual Cues
      8. Working with Table View
      9. Troubleshooting
        1. Omit Re-created
        2. Modal Dialog Dangers
      10. FileMaker Extra: User Interface Heuristics
    4. 14. Advanced Calculation Techniques
      1. What’s an Advanced Calculation Technique?
      2. Logical Functions
        1. The Let Function
        2. The Choose Function
        3. The GetField Function
          1. Building a Customizable List Report
          2. Extending the Customizable List Report
        4. The Evaluate Function
          1. Uses for the Evaluate Function
          2. Evaluation Errors
          3. Customizable List Reports Redux
        5. The Lookup Functions
          1. Lookup
          2. LookupNext
      3. Text Formatting Functions
        1. Text Color, Font, and Size
        2. Text Style
        3. Removing Text Formatting
        4. Examples Involving Text Formatting Functions
      4. Array Functions
        1. Working with Return-Delimited Data Arrays
        2. Stepping Through an Array
      5. The “Filter”-ing Functions
        1. The Filter Function
        2. The FilterValues Function
      6. Custom Functions
        1. Uses of Custom Functions
          1. Simplifying Complex Formulas
          2. Custom Functions as System Constants
          3. Creating Recursive Functions
        2. Creating Custom Functions
        3. Examples of Custom Functions
      7. GetNthRecord
      8. Troubleshooting
        1. Text Formatting in Nontext Calculations
        2. Naming Variables in Let Functions
        3. Working with Arrays
      9. FileMaker Extra: Creating a Custom Function Library
    5. 15. Advanced Scripting Techniques
      1. What Is Advanced Scripting?
      2. Script Parameters and Script Results
        1. Script Parameters
        2. Specifying Script Parameters
        3. Retrieving a Script Parameter
        4. Passing Multivalued Parameters
          1. Parsing a Text Array
          2. Using the Let Function
          3. Passing Structured Data Elements
        5. Strategies for Using Script Parameters
          1. Modularizing Scripts
          2. Passing Data Between Files
          3. Protecting Subscripts
        6. Script Results
        7. Final Thoughts on Script Input/Output
      3. Script Variables
        1. About Local Variables
          1. About Variable Scope
          2. Local Variables Summary
        2. About Global Variables
        3. Other Ways to Work with Variables
          1. Accessing Variables Across Files
          2. Accessing Variables from Within a Let Statement
        4. About Dynamic File Paths
        5. Viewing Your Variables
      4. Window Management Techniques
        1. The Anatomy of a Window
          1. Screen
          2. Desktop
          3. Window
          4. Content
        2. Positioning a Window Relative to Another Window
      5. Go to Related Record
        1. GTRR Basics
          1. GTRR—A Simple Example
        2. Predicting the Found Set
        3. Jumping to Disconnected Table Occurrences
      6. Troubleshooting
        1. Pop-up Window Issues on a Windows PC
        2. Creating New Windows Loses My Found Sets
      7. FileMaker Extra: Recursive Scripts
    6. 16. Advanced Portal Techniques
      1. Portals in FileMaker Pro
      2. Portal Basics
        1. Portals Versus List View/Table View
        2. New Portal Setup
          1. Specifying Portal Sorting
          2. Allowing Portal Row Deletion
          3. Setup Options
        3. Relationship Properties
          1. Creating Related Records
          2. Cascading Deletion of Related Records
          3. Relationship-Based Sorting
        4. Sticky Portals
        5. Scripted New Portal Records
      3. “New Record Only” Relationships
      4. Horizontal Portals
      5. Using Portals to Create Calendars
      6. Selection Portals
        1. Basic Selection Portals
        2. Portal Row Highlights
        3. Multi-keys and Multi-row Selections
      7. Filtered Portals
        1. Multivalue and Filtered Portals
        2. Multivalue Or Filtered Portals
        3. Ranged, Multivalue Or Filtered Portals
        4. Exploded Key Filtered Portals
      8. Dynamic Portal Sorting
        1. Multiple Field Type Portal Sorting
        2. Descending Dynamic Portal Sorting
      9. Troubleshooting
        1. Portal Rows Not Displaying
          1. Creating Related Rows for Non-Equijoin Relationships
          2. Incomplete Highlighting Rectangle
          3. Multiuser Selected Data
      10. FileMaker Extra: Portals and Record Locking
    7. 17. Debugging and Troubleshooting
      1. What Is Troubleshooting?
      2. Staying Out of Trouble
        1. Understand Software Requirements
        2. Avoid Unclear Code
          1. Choosing Good Names
            1. Databases and Tables
            2. Fields
            3. Layouts
            4. Scripts
            5. Other Elements
          2. Using Comments Wisely
          3. Writing Modular Code
            1. Modularity in Scripts
            2. Modularity Using Custom Functions
      3. Planning for Trouble
      4. Troubleshooting Scripts and Calculations
        1. Handling Errors in Scripts
        2. Tracking Down Errors
          1. Reproducing Errors
          2. Debugging Calculations
          3. Debugging Scripts
            1. About the Script Debugger
            2. Placing Breakpoints
            3. Inspecting Values
            4. Interactive Call Stack
      5. Troubleshooting in Specific Areas: Performance, Context, Connectivity, and Globals
        1. Performance
          1. General Slowness
          2. Slowness in Searching and Sorting
          3. Slowness in Executing Calculations
          4. Slowness in Performing Lookups
          5. Slowness in Scripts
            1. Use Replace Rather than Loop
            2. Go To Related Records Versus Searching
            3. Creating Records
        2. Connectivity and Related Issues
          1. Inability to Contact the Server
          2. Crosstalk
        3. Context Dependencies
          1. Layout Dependencies
          2. Table Context
            1. Layouts
            2. Importing Records
            3. Exporting Records
            4. Calculations
            5. Value Lists
            6. Scripts
          3. Mode Dependencies
          4. The Record Pointer
        4. Globals
      6. File Maintenance and Recovery
        1. File Maintenance
        2. File Recovery
      7. FileMaker Extra: Other Tools of the Trade
    8. 18. Converting Systems from Previous Versions of FileMaker Pro
      1. Migration Choices
        1. Factors Influencing Your Migration Strategy
          1. Migration Benefits
          2. Complexity
          3. Condition of the Existing System
          4. Future Needs
          5. Time and Cost
        2. The Bottom Line
      2. Converting Files
        1. Converting Single-File Solutions
        2. Converting Relational Solutions
      3. Pre-Conversion Tasks
        1. Prepare for Conversion
        2. Document Your Solution
        3. Fix File References
          1. Absolute Paths
          2. Relative Paths
          3. Conversion of File References
          4. MetadataMagic to the Rescue
        4. Do Some Housekeeping
      4. Post-Conversion Tasks
        1. Security
          1. Default Passwords
            1. (no password)
          2. Files with No Password
          3. Extended Privileges
        2. Relationships
        3. Scripts
        4. Fields and Formulas
      5. Troubleshooting
        1. Disabling Startup Scripts
        2. Repointing Table Occurrence References
      6. FileMaker Extra: Converting Web-Enabled Databases
        1. Instant Web Publishing
        2. Custom Web Publishing
          1. CDML
          2. XML/XSLT
          3. PHP
  10. IV. Data Integration and Publishing
    1. 19. Importing Data into FileMaker Pro
      1. Working with External Data
      2. Flat-File Data Sources
        1. Choosing the Target Table
        2. Initiating the Import
        3. The Import Field Mapping Dialog
          1. Choosing an Import Action
          2. Aligning Source and Target Fields
          3. Deciding Where the Data Goes
          4. Ways of Auto-Aligning Source and Target Fields
          5. Scanning the Data Before Importing
          6. Performing the Import
        4. Updating Records with Imported Data
        5. Updating Records Without Using Match Fields
        6. Special Flat File Formats
          1. Importing from Another FileMaker Pro File
          2. Importing from a Microsoft Excel File
        7. Using an Import to Create a New Table
      3. Importing Multiple Files from a Folder
        1. Importing Text Files
        2. Importing Image Files
        3. Images or References?
        4. Images Versus Thumbnails
      4. Importing Photos from a Digital Camera
      5. Importing from an ODBC Data Source
        1. How ODBC Works
        2. Installing ODBC
        3. Creating a DSN
        4. Performing the ODBC Import
      6. Importing from an XML Data Source
      7. Using a Script to Import Data
      8. Troubleshooting
        1. Matching imports
          1. Imports and Validation
      9. FileMaker Extra: Exploiting the FileMaker-to-FileMaker Import
        1. Duplicating a Found Set
        2. Duplicating Between Tables
        3. Moving, Consolidating, and Re-creating Tables
    2. 20. Exporting Data from FileMaker
      1. Getting Out What You Put In
      2. The Basic Mechanics of Exporting
        1. Choosing a Source Table
        2. Choosing an Output File Format
        3. Selecting Fields to Export
        4. Exporting Issues to Consider
      3. Export File Formats
        1. Character Transformations
      4. Formatting Exported Data
      5. Exporting Related Fields
      6. Exporting Grouped Data
      7. Exporting to Fixed-Width Formats
      8. Working with Large Fields and Container Fields
      9. Scripted Exports
      10. Accessing FileMaker Data Using ODBC and JDBC
        1. Getting Your Databases Ready for ODBC/JDBC Access
        2. Configuring FileMaker Pro for Local ODBC/JDBC Access
        3. Configuring a DSN for FileMaker Access (Windows)
        4. Configuring a DSN for FileMaker Access (Mac OS)
        5. Using Microsoft Excel as a Local Access ODBC Client
        6. Configuring FileMaker Server Advanced for xDBC Access
      11. Using FileMaker Pro as an ODBC Client
        1. The Execute SQL Script Step
        2. Adding a Record to an SQL System
        3. Synchronizing Records Using Shared Keys
        4. Using the Update Statement to Refresh Records
        5. Deleting Records from an SQL Data Source
        6. Defining New Structures in an SQL Source
      12. Troubleshooting
        1. ODBC Driver Missing on Windows
        2. ODBC Connection Checklist
      13. FileMaker Extra: Accessing FileMaker Data via JDBC
        1. Testing for Java and Installing the Driver
        2. Configuring a Database for JDBC Access
        3. Testing JDBC Connectivity
        4. Inspecting Your Database Using JDBC
    3. 21. Instant Web Publishing
      1. An Overview of Instant Web Publishing
        1. What Is IWP?
        2. IWP Improvements in FileMaker Pro 7
        3. IWP Improvements in FileMaker Pro 8
        4. Scenarios for IWP
          1. Remote Users
          2. Creating a Database-Driven Website
        5. Getting Started with IWP
      2. Enabling and Configuring IWP
        1. Configuring FileMaker Pro for IWP
          1. Port Number
          2. Security
          3. Logging
          4. Ending a Session
        2. Configuring FileMaker Server Advanced for IWP
        3. Sharing and Securing Files via IWP
      3. Designing for IWP Deployment
        1. Constraints of IWP
        2. Scripting for IWP
          1. Unsupported Script Steps
          2. Error Capture
          3. Committing Records
          4. Startup and Shutdown Scripts
          5. Performing Subscripts in Other Files
          6. Testing for IWP Execution Within a Script
        3. Layout Design
          1. Graphic Elements
          2. Tab Order
          3. “View As” Options
          4. Layout Parts
        4. Container Fields
        5. Application Flow
          1. Explicit Record Commits
          2. Lookups and Portal Filters
          3. Hiding the Status Area
          4. Portals
          5. Creating Links to IWP from Other Web Pages
          6. Creating a Custom Home Page
      4. Using an IWP Solution
        1. Browse Mode
        2. Edit Mode
        3. Find Mode
        4. Sorting Records
      5. Troubleshooting
        1. Problems Ending IWP Sessions
        2. Logging in to an IWP-Enabled Database
      6. FileMaker Extra: Building Your Own Next and Previous Page Buttons
    4. 22. FileMaker and Web Services
      1. About Web Services
      2. FileMaker and XML
        1. The Basics of XML
        2. FileMaker’s XML Grammars
          1. Exporting FileMaker Data as XML: The FMPDSORESULT Grammar
          2. Exporting FileMaker Data as XML: The FMPXMLRESULT Grammar
      3. Transforming XML
        1. Introducing XSL Stylesheets
        2. Analyzing a Stylesheet
          1. The XML Declaration
          2. The Stylesheet Statement
          3. Specifying the Output Type
          4. Using a Template to Find the Result Set
          5. Using xsl:for-each to Loop Over a Result Set
          6. Using xsl:choose to Determine Output
        3. Applying an Export Transformation to FileMaker XML
      4. XML Import: Understanding Web Services
        1. FileMaker’s XML Import Capability
        2. Web Services Reviewed
        3. A Stylesheet for XML Import
      5. Working with Web Services
        1. Accessing the Amazon Web Services
        2. Writing a Stylesheet to Import Amazon Data
        3. Building a More Flexible Interface to a Web Service
      6. Using FileMaker as a Web Services Source
      7. Troubleshooting
        1. Wrong XML Format
        2. Errors in Stylesheets
          1. Correct Stylesheet, Failed Import
      8. FileMaker Extra: Write Your Own Web Services
    5. 23. Custom Web Publishing
      1. About Custom Web Publishing
      2. Custom Web Publishing Versus Instant Web Publishing
      3. Custom Web Publishing Versus XML Export
      4. Getting Your Databases Ready for Custom Web Publishing
      5. Setting Up the Server-Side Components for CWP
        1. Installing the Web Publishing Engine
        2. Configuring the Web Publishing Engine
          1. Setting Up Authentication
          2. Configuring Different Types of Access to the Web Publishing Engine
          3. Configuring the Connection with FileMaker Server
          4. Saving Your Changes
      6. Publishing FileMaker Data as XML
        1. Introduction to XML Publishing
        2. Understanding Query Strings
        3. Performing Specific Searches with CWP URLs
          1. Specifying the Table
          2. Finding Specific Records
          3. Specifying an Exact Match When Searching
          4. Performing a Numerical Comparison Search
          5. Searching on Multiple Criteria
          6. Creating Multiple Find Requests
          7. Specifying a Sort Order for Search Results
        4. Applications of Custom Web Publishing with XML
      7. Using XSLT with Custom Web Publishing
        1. About Server-Side XSLT
          1. Where to Put Your Stylesheets
        2. Getting Started with XSLT in CWP
        3. A Simple Stylesheet to Display Search Results
        4. Format of the XSLT URL
        5. Embedding Query Parameters in a Stylesheet
      8. Building Web Applications with XSLT-CWP
        1. Building a “View Detail” Link
        2. Using Tokens to Share Data Between Stylesheets
        3. Using a Stylesheet to Delete a Record
        4. Using Stylesheets to Create and Edit Records
      9. Other Custom Web Publishing Commands and Parameters
        1. Other Query Commands
        2. Other Query Parameters
      10. About the FileMaker XSLT Extensions
      11. About Sessions
      12. Troubleshooting
        1. Getting the Right Privileges
        2. Dealing with Firewalls
        3. Dealing with Spaces
      13. FileMaker Extra: About the Custom Web Publishing Tools
        1. The CDML Converter
        2. The Site Assistant
        3. Learning How to Program with CWP
  11. V. Deploying a FileMaker Solution
    1. 24. Deploying and Extending FileMaker
      1. FileMaker Deployment Options
      2. Single User
      3. Peer-to-Peer Hosting
      4. FileMaker Server
      5. Web Publishing
      6. ODBC/JDBC
      7. Citrix/Terminal Services
      8. Runtime Solutions
      9. Deploying to Handheld Devices
      10. Customized Deployment Options
        1. Renaming Files
        2. Solution Options
        3. Creating a Runtime Application
        4. Removing Admin Access
        5. Developing Kiosk Solutions
        6. Polishing Your Custom Solution
        7. Error Log
      11. Plug-ins
        1. Understanding Plug-ins
        2. Using FileMaker’s Sample Plug-in
        3. Installing Plug-ins
        4. Deploying Plug-ins via FileMaker Server
        5. Configuring and Enabling Plug-ins
      12. Troubleshooting
        1. Plug-in Not Responding or Not Installing
        2. File Reference Errors
      13. FileMaker Extra: The Limits of Customization
        1. Lack of Multiuser Capability
        2. Menu Customization
        3. Lack of Event Triggers
    2. 25. FileMaker Server and Server Advanced
      1. About FileMaker Server
        1. The FileMaker Server Product Line
        2. FileMaker Server Versus Peer-to-Peer Database Hosting
        3. FileMaker Server Capabilities
        4. FileMaker Server Requirements
          1. Static IP Address(es)
          2. Fast Hard Drive
          3. Fast Processor(s)
          4. Lots of RAM
          5. Fast Network Connection
          6. Supported Operating System
          7. Data Center Environment
      2. Installing FileMaker Server
      3. Running FileMaker Server
        1. Starting and Stopping FileMaker Server
        2. Hosting Databases
      4. Using the Server Administration Tool
      5. Configuring and Administering FileMaker Server Using the SAT
        1. Server Administration Settings
        2. Resource Usage Settings
        3. Client Connectivity Settings
      6. Managing Clients
      7. Managing Databases
      8. Administration from the Command Line
        1. About System Paths
        2. Command Line Reference
          1. Command Options
        3. Scripting FileMaker Server Administrative Tasks
      9. Working with External Services
        1. Registering with an LDAP Server
          1. Configuring an Active Directory Server
          2. Registering with an Active Directory Server
          3. Looking for Servers via LDAP
        2. Using External Authentication Services
      10. Automatically Updating Plug-ins
        1. Preparing FileMaker Server
        2. Preparing FileMaker Pro
        3. Performing the Auto Update
          1. Check What’s Already on the Workstation
          2. Check What’s on the Server
          3. Download the Plug-in
        4. Putting It All Together
      11. Scheduled Tasks
        1. Scheduling Backups
        2. Running Scripts
        3. Sending Messages to Users
      12. Monitoring FileMaker Server
        1. Working with Usage Statistics
        2. Working with Application Events
          1. Working with Application Events on Windows
          2. Working with Application Events on Mac OS X
      13. Troubleshooting
        1. Trouble with LDAP
        2. Problems with Auto Update
      14. FileMaker Extra: Best Practices Checklist
        1. Determine Network Infrastructure
        2. Purchase Hardware
        3. Install Software
        4. Configure FileMaker Server
        5. Deploy Databases and Schedule Backups
        6. Monitor Usage Statistics
        7. Monitor Event Logs
        8. Perform Regular File Maintenance
        9. Keep Current with Software Updates
    3. 26. FileMaker Mobile
      1. FileMaker Mobile 8 Overview
        1. FileMaker Mobile Components
        2. System Requirements
      2. Using FileMaker Mobile on Your Handheld Device
        1. Installing on Your Handheld Device
        2. Using Mobile Database Files
          1. Working with List View
          2. Working with Form View
          3. Record Control Functions
            1. New Record
            2. Delete Record
            3. Delete All Records
          4. Performing Find Requests
          5. Sorting Recordsets
          6. Edit Functions
          7. Options
            1. Form View Options
            2. List View Options
            3. Field Options
          8. Database Options
      3. Synchronizing with a FileMaker Database
        1. Configuring a File to Be Published
          1. Adding and Removing Files
          2. Permission Settings
          3. Field Configuration Settings
          4. Synchronization Settings
          5. Configure
          6. Users
      4. Troubleshooting
        1. Found Sets and Sessions
        2. Missing Index Values
        3. Missing Records
        4. Default Sort Order
      5. FileMaker Extra: Publishing Related Data
    4. 27. Documenting Your FileMaker Solutions
      1. Why Is Documentation Important?
      2. Developing Naming Conventions
      3. Using Comments Effectively
        1. Adding Comments for Fields
        2. Commenting Within Formulas
        3. Scripts
        4. Adding Descriptions in the Define Accounts & Privileges Dialog
      4. Documenting the Relationships Graph
      5. Using the Database Design Report
        1. Creating a DDR
        2. Working with the DDR in HTML
        3. Using the XML Version
      6. Using Third-Party Documentation Tools
      7. Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Documentation
      8. Final Thoughts on Documentation
      9. FileMaker Extra: Soliant Development Standards
        1. Required Conventions
          1. Naming Conventions
            1. Files
            2. Tables
            3. FIELDS
            4. Key Fields
            5. Housekeeping Fields
            6. “Temp” Fields Rule
            7. Layouts
            8. Script Names
            9. Version Control
          2. Scripting Comments
          3. Script Parameters
          4. Script Results
          5. Script Variables
          6. Relationships Graph
          7. Table Occurrence Naming
        2. Recommended Conventions
          1. Coding Practices
          2. Naming Conventions
            1. General Practices
            2. Fields
            3. Script Names

Product information

  • Title: Special Edition Using FileMaker 8
  • Author(s): Steve Lane, Scott Love, Bob Bowers
  • Release date: May 2006
  • Publisher(s): Que
  • ISBN: 9780789735126