Special Edition Using XSLT

Book description

Special Edition Using XSLT starts with an overview explaining how XSLT fits into the bigger picture of the Extensible Stylesheet Language, and the differences between XSLT and XSL-FO. It then demonstrates practical examples of XSL transformations from XML to a variety of other useful formats including HTML, PDF, SVG and others. Later chapters discuss developer techniques for implementing XSLT within dynamic web environments including ASP and JSP. The author also covers debugging techniques and how XSLT relates to .NET. The book finishes with a useful reference section including detailed coverage of XSLT, XPath and XSL-FO.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Authors
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Tell Us What You Think!
  5. Introduction
  6. Foundations
    1. The Essence of XSL
      1. What Is XSL?
      2. Benefits of XSL
      3. XSL Features
      4. Applying XSLT
      5. In Practice
    2. XSL Jumpstart
      1. XSL Processing
      2. Creating the Style Sheet
      3. Templates and Template Rules
      4. Understanding Patterns
      5. Creating Text
      6. Getting the Content of an Element
      7. Outputting the Results
      8. Applying Style Sheets Dynamically
      9. Retrieving Attributes
      10. Adding New Template Rules
      11. In Practice
      12. Troubleshooting
    3. XPath
      1. XPath Defined
      2. XPath in XSL and XSLT
      3. XPath Data Model
      4. Location Paths
      5. Expressions
      6. Positional Predicates
      7. Function Calls
      8. In Practice
      9. Troubleshooting
    4. The XSL Transformation Language
      1. Defining XSLT
      2. Processing Style Sheets
      3. Linking Your Style Sheet
      4. Style Sheet Structure
      5. Creating Elements and Attributes
      6. Iterative Processing
      7. Conditional Processing
      8. Other Elements
      9. In Practice
      10. Troubleshooting
    5. XSL Formatting Objects
      1. Introducing XSL Formatting Objects
      2. Basics of XSL-FO
      3. A Basic XSL-FO Document
      4. Areas
      5. Pages
      6. Content Areas
      7. Inline Objects
      8. Out-of-Line Objects
      9. Tables
      10. Lists
      11. Properties
      12. Background and Color Properties
      13. Borders and Padding
      14. Font Properties
      15. Text
      16. Aural Properties
      17. Integrating XSLT and XSL-FO
      18. In Practice
      19. Troubleshooting
  7. Useful Transformations
    1. Transforming XML into HTML
      1. HTML’s Role as an Output Format
      2. HTML
      3. A Basic HTML Transformation
      4. Dealing with HTML Elements That Are Not Well Formed
      5. Linking in Cascading Style Sheets
      6. Processing Database Records
      7. Providing Multiple Views of a Data Set
      8. Customized Views for Different Browsers
      9. In Practice
      10. Troubleshooting
    2. Transforming from XML to XML
      1. Why Transform from XML to XML?
      2. Mapping XML Schema Types
      3. Dependency of Style Sheets on the Source Document
      4. Generating Wireless Markup
      5. In Practice
      6. Troubleshooting
    3. Web Services and WSDL
      1. An Overview of Web Services
      2. Touring Web Services
      3. Web Services Description Language
      4. WSDL and XSLT
      5. UDDI
      6. In Practice
      7. Troubleshooting
  8. Development Techniques
    1. Server-Side Transformations Using ASP
      1. Overview of Server-Side XML Processing
      2. Quick Tour of Active Server Pages
      3. Overview of the Document Object Model (DOM)
      4. Using the DOM on the Server
      5. Putting the DOM to Work
      6. Orchestrating Transformations Using SAX
      7. In Practice
      8. Troubleshooting
    2. Server-Side Transformations Using JSP
      1. Overview of Server-Side XML Processing
      2. Overview of JavaServer Pages (JSP)
      3. Loading XML Documents
      4. Applying an XSLT Style Sheet
      5. Using XSLT Without DOM
      6. Sample Applications
      7. In Practice
      8. Troubleshooting
    3. Dynamic XSLT Generation
      1. Manipulating XSLT Using DOM
      2. Practical Considerations
      3. Automating the Transformation
      4. Building a Parser
      5. Assembling the Scripts
      6. Finally . . . the XML
      7. Further Customizing Dynamic Documents
      8. In Practice
      9. Troubleshooting
    4. Debugging XSLT
      1. When Things Go Wrong
      2. Understanding the Application
      3. Asking the Right Questions
      4. Checking the Style Sheet
      5. Debugging Style Sheets
      6. Checking XPath Expressions
      7. Handling Irregular Data
      8. Troubleshooting
    5. Transforming XML with .NET
      1. XSLT and .NET
      2. Transformations with .NET
      3. In Practice
      4. Troubleshooting
  9. Appendixes
    1. XSLT Element and Function Reference
      1. Alphabetical Listing of XSLT Elements
      2. Alphabetical Listing of XSLT Functions
    2. XSL Basic Formatting Objects and Properties Reference
      1. Pagination and Layout
      2. Block Formatting Objects
      3. Inline Formatting Objects
      4. Table Formatting Objects
      5. List Formatting Objects
      6. Other Key Formatting Objects
      7. Complete Alphabetical Listing of Formatting Properties
    3. XPath Expressions Reference
      1. XPath Abbreviated Syntax
      2. XPath Axis Types
      3. XPath Core Function Library
  10. Index

Product information

  • Title: Special Edition Using XSLT
  • Author(s): Michael Floyd
  • Release date: January 2002
  • Publisher(s): Que
  • ISBN: 9780789725059