

vs. conformity, 113

defined, 112

forms of, 113

independent thinking, 112, 113

American Actuarial Association, 47

Antecedents of eminence, 30

Anticipating regret, 133

Appreciative Inquiry, 7578

Autocratic and democratic leadership styles

alignment, 112, 113

conceptual distinction, 107

conflict-abundant organization, 112

independent thinking, 108

management principles, 105

power distance orientation, 114

social climates, 106

studying effects, 106

value-expressive, 110

Autocratic behavior, 109, 112

Autocratic leadership, 106, 107, 111

Avoid groupthink

blunt disagreement, 118

communicate the expectation for independent thinking, 119120

company advocate, 125126

debates rather than disagreement, 126127

direct solicitation, 126

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