Speaking Up at Work

Book description

If you have ever feared speaking up about your ideas or have done so but are frustrated by your lack of success, this book is for you.

You’ll learn from the stories of others who have been a “lone voice” or an “independent thinker” and their attempts at change—both successful and unsuccessful. By learning from their experiences, you’ll gain insight into effective tactics and pitfalls to avoid. In addition, if you are a leader and afraid you are not hearing the best ideas from your team, you’ll learn various tools and tactics to let the best ideas emerge.

Along with stories ranging from CEOs to individual contributors, you’ll learn insights from studies in psychology and management and what has been found through decades of research. Together the book offers an engaging portrait of when, why, and how to have your voice heard at work and in life.

Product information

  • Title: Speaking Up at Work
  • Author(s): Ryan Smerek
  • Release date: July 2023
  • Publisher(s): Business Expert Press
  • ISBN: 9781637424803