
Chapter 1

1.EPA (2012).

2.EPA (2012).

3.Resourcities (2012).

4.Eurostat (2011).

5.Lee, O’Marah, and John (2012), p. 29.

6.U.S. Census Bureau, Survey of Manufactures (2013).

7.U.S. Census Bureau (2012).

8.Walmart (2008).

9.See definitions from PCF World forum (2012), and European Union (2012).

10.EPA (2012).

11.European Union (2012).

12.Honda (2013).

13.Lee et al. (2012), p. 29.

Chapter 2

1.EPA (2013).

2.Brown (2011).

3.Just Live Greener (2012).

4.Dutch Waste Management Association (2012).

5.Sunny Delight (2011); Iobst (2012).

6.Environment Agency Europe (2012).

7.Clean Energy Ideas (2012).

8.Sprint. Re:cycle (2013).

9.Starbucks (2012).

10.LeBlanc and Rick (2012).

11.CHEP (2013).

12.Business Dictionary (2012).

13.Kraft Foods (2012).

14. ...

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