Source Code China: The New Global Hub of IT (Information Technology) Outsourcing

Book description

Source Code China: The New Global Hub of IT Outsourcing explores the new, uncharted, and potentially profitable, waters of IT outsourcing in China.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  3. Preface
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. 1. Outsourcing: The Most Important Management Trend of the Past 75 Years
    1. Outsourcing as a Business Force
    2. Made in China
    3. Setting the Stage
    4. Endnotes
  6. 2. Battle of the Titans: The Global Outsourcing Landscape
    1. North America
      1. Canada
      2. Mexico
    2. Europe
      1. Bulgaria
      2. Czech Republic
      3. Hungary
      4. Ireland
      5. Malta
      6. Poland
      7. Romania
      8. Ukraine
    3. South America
      1. Argentina
    4. Africa and the Middle East
      1. Egypt
      2. Israel
      3. South Africa
    5. Asia-Pacific
      1. Australia
      2. Malaysia
      3. New Zealand
      4. The Philippines
      5. Singapore
      6. Vietnam
    6. BRIC Nations
      1. Brazil
      2. Russia
      3. India
    7. Endnotes
  7. 3. China: Your Essential Shore
    1. Big Numbers from a Big Country
    2. Government and Politics
    3. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
    4. Educating the Masses
      1. Ni Hui Shuo YingYu Ma? (Do You Speak English?)
    5. Your Essential Shore
    6. The Early Years
    7. Made in China
    8. From Pagers to Market Supremacy
    9. The Internet Arrives
    10. Not Yet a Green Light
      1. 2004: What We Had All Been Waiting For
    11. India Outsources to China
      1. The Future: Expanding into the Global Technology Services Industry
      2. Outsourcers of China, Unite!
      3. Promote China First Overseas
      4. Long-Term Government Subsidies Commitment
    12. Risks and Concerns
      1. English Language Capability
      2. Intellectual Property Rights and Information Security
      3. Staff Loyalty and Turnover
      4. Project Management Skills
    13. Endnotes
  8. 4. Strategies that Work
    1. What Works? What is the Right Shore? What is the Right Model?
    2. Captive Versus Partner
    3. Build-Operate-Transfer
    4. Dual-Shore Delivery
    5. Going Captive and Avoiding the Expat Trap
  9. 5. Ten Lessons Learned
    1. 1. What Works Elsewhere Does Not Necessarily Work in China
    2. 2. Develop a Vision of the Future Beyond the Next Shareholder Meeting
    3. 3. Establish the Right Partnerships from the Beginning
    4. 4. Do Your Homework
    5. 5. Commit for the Long Haul
    6. 6. Prepare Yourself for an Unprecedented Speed of Change
    7. 7. Choose an Outsourcing City Based on...
    8. 8. People, People, People
    9. 9. Never Give Up
    10. 10. It Is All About Face
  10. 6. Winning the Talent War
    1. English Makes the World Go Round
    2. Recruiting Staff
      1. Finding the Needle in the Haystack
      2. Popular Recruiting Channels
        1. Top Qualities Employers Look For
    3. Salaries on the Rise
    4. Chinese Work Ethics
      1. Industrious, Smart, and Hard-Working: Yes, It Is True!
      2. Child Emperors Holding Court at Work?
      3. I Have a Sore Throat, I Need to Go to the Hospital...
    5. Retaining Staff: Employee Retention and Loyalty Programs
      1. Accept Turnover as a Fact of Life—and Develop the Right Strategy to Minimize its Effects
        1. Building Loyalty
        2. Positioning a Company as an “Employer of Choice”
        3. Offering Professional Career Development
        4. Building a Comprehensive Knowledge Management System
      2. Performance Incentive Systems
      3. Managing Staff
      4. A Culture of Not Challenging Authority
      5. Training and Developing Staff
    6. Endnotes
  11. 7. China’s Outsourcing Cities
    1. Beijing
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    2. Shanghai
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    3. Dalian
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    4. Chengdu
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    5. Xi’an
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    6. Jinan
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    7. Hangzhou
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    8. Guangzhou
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    9. Nanjing
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    10. Shenzhen
      1. Population
      2. Software Parks or Technology Zones
      3. Top University or Universities
      4. International Air, Rail, and Road Connections
      5. History and Description
    11. Endnotes
  12. 8. IT Outsourcing, Business Process Outsourcing, and Knowledge Process Outsourcing in China
    1. Scope of Outsourcing
      1. Information Technology Outsourcing
        1. Background on China
        2. Growth of CMMI in China
        3. Process Maturity Levels in China
        4. Be a Knowledgeable Consumer
        5. Development of CMMI to Benefit Customers
        6. Assurance of Results for Customers with CMMI
        7. Role of Standards in Selecting an IT Outsourcing Vendor
        8. Benefits of Outsourcing to a Company using CMMI
        9. Business Process Outsourcing
      2. Knowledge Process Outsourcing
    2. Global Outsourcing Options for Customers
    3. Advantages of Outsourcing to China
    4. Disadvantages to Outsourcing to China
    5. Selection of Vendor Partners
    6. Due Diligence of the Capabilities of Vendors
    7. Importance of Business Process Standards
    8. Importance of Standards in BPO
    9. Application Standards to Different Process Types
    10. Process Selection for Outsourcing
      1. Identifying Candidate Processes for Outsourcing
      2. Developing a Process Model of the Extended Enterprise
      3. Understanding the Processes to Be Outsourced
      4. Understanding Vendor Capability Related to Processes
      5. Process Representations
  13. 9. China’s Legal Framework
    1. Market Entry and Establishing a Business in China
      1. Market Entry Policies
    2. Intellectual Property Rights Protection
      1. Contract Law and Intellectual Property Rights
      2. Actively Fulfilling International Obligations to Protect IPR
      3. Secured Interests Law
    3. Employment Issues
      1. Labor Contracts
      2. Remuneration and Benefits
      3. Termination of Labor Contract
      4. Hiring Requirements for Representative Offices and FIEs
    4. Government Policy
    5. Currency and Taxation
      1. Turnover Taxes
      2. Income Tax on Nonresident Enterprises
      3. Individual Income Tax for Foreign Nationals
      4. Outlook on China Outsourcing Services
    6. Dispute Resolution and Litigation
      1. China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
      2. Other Arbitrations
      3. Litigation
      4. Mediation and Conciliation
      5. Prospects
    7. Endnotes
  14. 10. China 2020
    1. Pillar of the Economy: Focus on the High-Tech Sector
    2. Growth of the Services Sector
    3. Satisfying a Fast-Growing Global it and Business Processes Services Demand
      1. Domestic Demand
      2. Offshore Demand
    4. Overseas Promotions Leap Forward
    5. Stable China Market Economic Prospects
    6. Rise of Globalization: in the Front Row
    7. China 2020: Wild Cards
  15. A. Exclusive Survey of Selected Cities in Cooperation With MOFCOM
    1. Qualitative Results: Open Formulated Questions
    2. How Many Software/Computer Science Major Students (Bachelor’s Or Master’s Degree) Graduated in Your City in the Last 3 Years?
  16. B. Case Studies
    1. Going for the Chinese Choice
    2. Key Challenges...
    3. ... And How They Were Addressed
    4. The Results
    5. About Beyondsoft
    6. Challenges
    7. Selecting the Right Partner
    8. Project Scope
    9. Solutions and Delivery Model
    10. The Results
    11. About China Data Group
    12. Localization and Product Testing: Be Global, Act Local
    13. Meet the Client
    14. Initial Engagement and Project Outline
    15. Team: Structured for Success
    16. Building the Partnership...
    17. ... Based on Tangible Results
    18. About DarwinSuzsoft
    19. Introduction
    20. The U.S. Energy Firm—A Revitalizing Dive into China’s Offshore Tech Market
    21. Finding the Right Partner
    22. hiSoft—Pitching the U.S. Energy Firm
    23. Rolling out the Plan
    24. The Takeover
    25. The Results
    26. About hiSoft
    27. Offshore Software R&D in China within HP
    28. Shanghai Team
    29. Dedicated Resource Provision Model
    30. Integrated Development and Delivery Operating Model
    31. Project Delivery: Maximize Customer Satisfaction
    32. Road Ahead
    33. About GDCC
    34. Dell-I.T. United: Smooth Project Migration Offshoring
    35. China—Looking for a Strategic Offshore Alternative
    36. The Pilot: Validating the Partnership
    37. Tracking Progress and Fine-Tuning the Engagement Model
    38. Strong Partnership for Mutual Success
    39. Structuring a Successful Project Team
    40. About I.T. United
    41. Collaboration for Synergism and Win-Win
      1. Achievement in Car Navigation
      2. Achievement in Car Audio
    42. Conclusion
    43. The Challenge: Aging Product, Drop in Sales
    44. The Solution: A Complete Makeover
    45. Global Deployment Methodology
    46. The Result: Happy Customers, Growing Sales
    47. About Objectiva Software Solutions
    48. Introduction
    49. About UFIDA
    50. Business Background
    51. Development Requirements
    52. Worksoft’s Roles and Responsibilities
    53. Development Life Cycle/Methodology/Issues/Solutions
    54. Deliverables and Business Impact
    55. About Worksoft Creative Software Technology
  17. C. Contact Information for Major Government Offices, Outsourcing Centers, and Online Resources
    1. Key China Central Government Offices
      1. General Administration of Customs
      2. Ministry of Education[1]
      3. Ministry of Finance[2]
      4. Ministry of Commerce
      5. Ministry of Information Industry[3]
      6. Ministry of Science and Technology[4]
      7. National Bureau of Statistics[5]
      8. National Development and Reform Commission
        1. State Administration of Foreign Exchange
        2. State Administration of Taxation
      9. State Intellectual Property Office[6][7]
    2. Outsourcing-Related Offices and Agencies
      1. Academy of Macroeconomic Research (AMR, affiliated to NDRC)
      2. Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21
      3. Beijing Software International Promotion Center (BSIPC; affiliated with Beijing MOFCOM)
      4. China Economic Trade Herald (affiliated with NDRC)
      5. China Industry Association of Overseas Development and Programming (affiliated with NDRC)
      6. China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges Ministry of Commerce (CICETE; affiliated with MOFCOM)
      7. China National Association of Enterprises Consulting (affiliated with NDRC)
      8. China National Center for Biotechnology Development
      9. Evaluation Center (affiliated with MOST)
      10. High Tech Research and Development Center (affiliated with MOST)
      11. Information Center (affiliated with MOST)
      12. Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC, affiliated with MOST)
      13. International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission (affiliated with NDRC)
      14. Investment Association of China (affiliated with NDRC)
      15. Investment Promotion Agency of MOFCOM
      16. National Investing Project Apprising Center (affiliated with NDRC)
      17. National Science and Technology Facilities and Infrastructure Center
      18. Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center (CSIP; affiliated with MII)
      19. State Information Center (affiliated with NDRC)
      20. Torch High Technology Industry Development Centre (affiliated with MOST)
      21. Trade Development Bureau of MOFCOM
    3. Beijing Municipal Government Offices
      1. Beijing Municipal Government
      2. Business and Economy in China
    4. World Trade Organization-Related Offices and Agencies
    5. China Offshore Software Engineering Project
      1. COSEP Software Park Index (11 National Software Bases)[9]
      2. Overseas Missions[10]
    6. Endnotes

Product information

  • Title: Source Code China: The New Global Hub of IT (Information Technology) Outsourcing
  • Author(s): Cyrill Eltschinger
  • Release date: October 2007
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9780470106969