A table has 22 rows and 11 columns. The columns have the following headings from left to right. material, structure types, E sub g in electron volts, mu sub n in square centimeters per volt second, mu sub p in square centimeters per volt second, m asterisk sub n over m sub o for m sub l and m sub t, m asterisk sub p over m sub o for m sub l h and m sub h h, a in Angstroms, epsilon sub r, density in grams per cubic centimeter, melting point in degrees Celsius. Note, all values at 300 Kelvin and a value with an asterisk indicates that it vaporizes. The row entries are as follows. Row 1. material, S i. structure types, i slash D. E sub g, 1.11. mu sub n, 1350. mu sub p, 480. m asterisk sub n over m sub o, 0.98, 0.19. m asterisk sub p over m sub ...

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