Chapter 8. Reuse Patterns

Wednesday, February 2, 15:15

As the development team members worked on breaking apart the domain services, they started running into disagreements about what to do with all the shared code and shared functionality. Taylen, upset with what Skyler was doing with regard to the shared code, walked over to Skyler’s desk.

“What in the world are you doing?” asked Taylen.

“I’m moving all of the shared code to a new workspace so we can create a shared DLL from it,” replied Skyler.

“A single shared DLL?”

“That’s what I was planning,” said Skyler. “Most of the services will need this stuff anyway, so I’m going to create a single DLL that all the services can use.”

“That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” said Taylen. “Everyone knows you should have multiple shared libraries in a distributed architecture!”

“Not in my opinion,” said Sydney. “Seems to me it’s much easier to manage a single shared library DLL rather than dozens of them.”

“Given that I’m the tech lead for this application, I want you to split that functionality into separate shared libraries.”

“OK, OK, I suppose I can move the all of the authorization into its own separate DLL if that would make you happy,” said Skyler.

“What?” said Taylen. “The authorization code has to be a shared service, you know——not in a shared library."”

“No,” said Skyler. “That code should be in a shared DLL.”

“What’s all the shouting about over there?” asked Addison.

“Taylen wants the authorization functionality to be in a ...

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