Chapter 5. Component-Based Decomposition Patterns

Monday, November 1, 11:53

Addison and Austen chose to use the component-based decomposition approach, but were unsure about the details of each decomposition pattern. They tried to research this approach, but did not find much on the internet about it. Once again, they met with Logan in the conference room for advice on what these patterns are all about and how to use them.

“Listen, Logan,” said Addison, “I want to start out by saying we both really appreciate the amount of time you have been spending with us to get this migration process started. I know you’re super busy on your own firefights.”

“No problem,” said Logan. “Us firefighters have to stick together. I’ve been in your shoes before, so I know what it’s like flying blind on these sort of things. Besides, this is a highly visible migration effort, and it’s important you both get this thing right the first time. Because there won’t be a second time.”

“Thanks, Logan,” said Austen. “I’ve got a game in about two hours, so we’ll try to make this short. You talked earlier about component-based decomposition, and we chose that approach, but we aren’t able to find much about it on the internet.”

“I’m not surprised,” said Logan. “Not much has been written about them yet, but I know a book is coming out describing these patterns in detail sometime later this year. I first learned about these decomposition patterns at a conference about four years ago in a session with an experienced ...

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