Book description
The Internet didn't kill TV! It has become its best friend. Americans are watching more television than ever before, and we're engaging online at the same time we're tuning in. Social media has created a new and powerful "backchannel", fueling the renaissance of live broadcasts. Mobile and tablet devices allow us to watch and experience television whenever and wherever we want. And "connected TVs" blend web and television content into a unified big screen experience bringing us back into our living rooms. Social TV examines the changing (and complex) television landscape and helps brands navigate its many emerging and exciting marketing and advertising opportunities.
Social TV topics include:
Leveraging the "second screen" to drive synched and deeper brand engagement
Using social ratings analytics tools to find and target lean-forward audiences
Aligning brand messaging to content as it travels time-shifted across devices
Determining the best strategy to approach marketing via connected TVs
Employing addressable TV advertising to maximize content relevancy
Testing and learning from the most cutting-edge emerging TV innovations
The rise of one technology doesn't always mean the end of another. Discover how this convergence has created new marketing opportunities for your brand.
Note: The ebook version does not provide access to the companion files.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Authors
- Introduction
Chapter 1: The Backchannel
- Television and Social Media have blended
- Meet the Backchannel
- The Backchannel is more than Twitter
- Twitter Gets more Attention
- The Backchannel is Reviving Live TV
- Television Networks have embraced the Backchannel
- The Backchannel Gets Armed with Filters and Visuals
- TV Shows Realize the Power of the Hashtag
- Our Tweets are Becoming Television Content
- Television Talent Discovers Live Tweeting
- Choosing Your Own Backchannel Adventure
- Putting all the Backchannel Components Together
- TV Shows are Not the Only Backchannel Conversation Topic
- TV Spots are learning from TV Shows
- The TV Spot Backchannel Conversation Gets Visual Too
- Not all Marketing Impressions are the same
- Now is the Time for Marketers to Experiment with the Backchannel
- Creating the 1 + 1 = 3 Cross-Media Effect
- Television’s Backchannel is Fraught with Insights about Your Brand
- It all comes back to Resonance
- Scan for more
Chapter 2: Social TV Guides
- A Channel Guide is more than Just a Program Listings Grid
- The Origin of the Electronic Programming Guide
- Interactive Programming Guides Gave TV Viewers Control
- Increased TV Content has Led to Decreased Programming Guide Usefulness
- Is there Anything Simpler than Word-of-Mouth?
- SocialGuide is Powered by the Backchannel
- Yap.TV Brings the Notion of a Social TV Guide to the iPad
- BuddyTV Combines Recommendations with the Power of the Remote
- Focuses on the Before and After Part of the Television Experience
- And the Story comes Full-Circle to TV Guide
- The Quest to Drive Tune-in
- Does Advertising on Social TV Guides Make Sense for Brands?
- Fasten Your Seatbelt; This Space is Only Going to Change
- Scan for more
Chapter 3: TV Check-In Services
- Location-Based Check-Ins Gave Rise to the TV Check-In
- GetGlue Sees Itself as a Vertical Social Network Around Entertainment
- Miso Aims Beyond the TV Check-In
- PHILO Enters the Market Thanks to a Rerun of Animal House
- IntoNow Puts a New Spin on the TV Check-In
- We Check-In Because We are Wired to Share
- The Check-In Phenomenon Hits TV Commercials
- Shazam Brings its Built-In User Base to TV
- The CW Partners with Shopkick
- The Original TV Check-In Apps Get into the Ad Business Too
- The TV Check-In Space has Become Crowded
- It’s Not Just about the Check-In
- Scan for more
Chapter 4: The Second Screen
- Welcome to a Multiscreen Television Experience
- It May Seem that the Second Screen is TV’s Enemy
- Mobile and TV are Like Two Peas in a Pod
- Second Screen Applications Push Related Content Directly to You
- Television Coviewing Apps Come in Many Flavors
- The First Broadcast-to-Tablet Synchronized Apps Appeared in 2010
- Are Scripted Dramas Lean-Forward Experiences?
- From Drama to Reality, the Second Screen Expands its Horizons
- The Second Screen Enables Sports Fans to Play Along
- The Kennedys Miniseries Turns the Second Screen into a Giant History Lesson
- A TV Event without a Second Screen Experience is Like a Zebra without Stripes
- Do TV Viewers Value a Second Screen App more than the Native Backchannel?
- Each Network Approaches the Second Screen from a Slightly Different Angle
- The Social TV Space Continues to Blend
- On the Second Screen, Content and Advertising Can Work Really Well Together
- The Next Evolution of Second Screen Advertising is Synched Ads
- Buy or Build? Some Brands have Built Their Own Second Screen Experiences
- Distraction is Not Going Away
- Scan for more
Chapter 5: Social TV Ratings
- Nielsen is the Currency by Which Advertisers and TV Networks Transact
- Social Media Creates a Feedback Loop for Television
- Does Social Media Engagement Correlate to Ratings?
- Television Networks are Seeing a Relationship
- Bluefin Analyzes the Relationships between Impressions and Expressions
- Trendrr was the First to Market with Social TV Ratings Charts
- SocialGuide is more than a Social TV Guide, it also Provides Social TV Ratings
- What is the Ultimate Value of High Social TV Ratings?
- Measuring the Backchannel Turns Raw Data into Useful Information
- How Advertisers Can Use the Backchannel’s Insights for Decision Making
- The Data Pool of Social Impressions is Growing in Both Size and Value
- Scan for more
Chapter 6: Bridge Content
- Content Turns the Wait in between Episodes into Share-Worthy Anticipation
- Facebook is an Ideal Engagement Platform for a TV Show’s Bridge Content
- The CW Wants to Ensure it Offers their Facebook Fans Value over Volume
- ABC’s Modern Family Involves Fans by Asking their Opinions
- CBS Takes Content from How I Met Your Mother to a New Level
- Not all Bridge Content is Delivered via Facebook
- Sci-Fi Used Bridge Content in 2006 to Connect Two Television Seasons
- Bravo’s Bridge Content Influences its On-Air Content
- NBC is Baking Digital Components into its TV Shows from the Onset
- Yes, Even Sesame Street is Doing it
- Advertiser Sponsorships Help Monetize Television Bridge Content
- TV Commercials Have Experimented with their Own Bridge Content
- Remember That Bridge Content is Choice-Based
- Scan for more
Chapter 7: Audience Addressability
- Addressable Television Advertising Promises High-Impact, Yet Precise, Television Spots
- Addressability from the Marketer’s Perspective is about Targeting
- Addressability from the Cable Operator Perspective is about Inventory and Logistics
- There are Challenges Slowing the Adoption of Addressable Advertising
- Innovation Seems to be Coming from Outside the Industry
- Visible World’s Technology Enables the Deployment of Addressable Advertising
- INVIDI’s Technology also Moves Addressable Advertising Capabilities Forward
- Cablevision is Showing Early Successes with Addressable TV Advertising
- Comcast Tests are also Showing Promise
- Is Addressability Possible on a National Scale?
- A Number of Questions Remain Unanswered
- Expect a Learning Curve
- Scan for more
Chapter 8: TV Everywhere
- Portable Television Actually Dates Back to Over 50 Years Ago
- As TV Becomes Increasingly Digital, Time-Shifted Viewing has Increased
- Video on Demand Lightens the Load on the DVR
- The Web Puts a Different Spin on Television
- TV Networks Band Together to Form Hulu
- Streaming Content Aggregators Expand On Demand Options (for a Price)
- Hulu Plus Emerges as a Competitor to Netflix
- Television Gets Truly Portable Thanks to the iPad
- HBO Makes Streaming Content Available Immediately after its Broadcast
- First on the iPad and then on Broadcast TV?
- The Xfinity TV iPad Application Blends Content and Utility
- From On Demand to Live Streaming TV, the iPad Becomes a TV Set
- Old Business Models are Not in Synch with Today’s Technology
- TV Everywhere or TV on Facebook?
- Consumers Will Use the Best Screen Available
- TV Everywhere Opens up New Opportunities for Advertisers
- Hulu’s Sweet Spot is in its Choice-Based Advertising Executions
- Television Programming has Become Screen Agnostic
- Scan for more
Chapter 9: Connected TVs
- The Concept of Internet-Connected TVs is Not a New One
- WebTV Debuted well before its Time
- A Lot has Changed in 15 Years
- Connected TVs Come in Many Shapes, Sizes, and Flavors
- Separate Device or Built-In?
- The Second Generation Apple TV Boasts Way more to Watch
- Roku Promises a Ton of Entertainment in its Little Box
- Google TV Will Get a Second Chance
- Boxee Says it is the One Box Your TV Needs
- Yahoo! Connected TV was One of the First
- Xbox is a Lot more than a Gaming Console
- Connected TVs are Not Just about On Demand Content
- Are Connected TVs a Threat to Traditional Pay TV Services?
- The Amount of Cord Cutters is .11, or 20 Percent, Depending on Whom You Ask
- Your Cable Box May Soon Become a Connected TV Device
- The Opportunities to Advertise on Connected TVs Are Growing
- Yahoo! Connected TV Has Robust Advertising Capabilities
- Xbox Kinect Brings Advertising Interactivity to a Whole New Level
- Another Way to Advertise on Connected TVs is through Apps
- Where should You Start?
- The Connected TV Space is Only Going to Grow
- Scan for more
- Chapter 10: Conclusion (for Now)
- Chapter 11: To Be Continued . . .
- Index
Product information
- Title: Social TV: How Marketers Can Reach and Engage Audiences by Connecting Television to the Web, Social Media, and Mobile
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2012
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: 9781118167465
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