Chapter 4: Supplementing Online Marketing Tools with Twitter
In This Chapter
- Using Twitter to gain traffic
- Sharing your content on Twitter
- Linking Twitter to Facebook
If you're on Twitter for more than just fun and entertainment, you most likely use other social media. You might have a website, a blog, and a presence on Facebook and other social networks, and these social media channels are possibly feeding content to each other. In this same way, you can use Twitter to draw attention to your Facebook page, your blog, and your website.
In this chapter, we show you how to seamlessly dovetail Twitter into your other forms of social media.
Blogs and Twitter make a formidable tag team because each can bring new readership to the other. You can drive traffic to your blog using Twitter and also send new followers to your Twitter account using your blog for a double whammy. That's the beauty of using content to market your brand — you can use one platform or a combination of all.
Using Twitter to Drive Traffic to Your Content
It's not a good idea to do nothing but drop links to your blog posts or sales pages on Twitter. To market properly, you also need to create engaging conversation, ask questions, and field customer service inquiries. The links and traffic are the gravy on the proverbial potatoes. If you do the rest of it right, people have no problem following your links, which will help you to reach your end goal.
Here are some tips for using Twitter to drive traffic to your blog: ...
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