Chapter 12. Workloads for the Snowflake Data Cloud

A data workload is a capability, service, or process that can assist with data acquisition and data access, and that helps to extract value from the data or serves as a foundation upon which to develop something others can use. Throughout the previous chapters, we saw many examples of Snowflake’s built-from-the-ground-up approach to data workloads while we spent time mastering the Snowflake building blocks and learning how to harness Snowflake’s power.

In this chapter, we’ll focus on how to apply the many Snowflake workloads to deliver business value from the Snowflake data platform. We’ll summarize all of the Snowflake workloads, including the data engineering, data warehousing, data lake, data analytics, and data science workloads (as shown in Figure 12-1).

Further, we’ll cover the data collaboration workload to discuss ways to leverage Snowflake’s Secure Data Sharing capabilities for data monetization. We’ll also be introduced to several examples of Snowflake’s data application workload, which is used to develop large-scale data-intensive applications. We’ll also learn about a new Snowflake workload, cybersecurity, and using Snowflake as a security data lake. Finally, we’ll learn about Snowflake’s newest workload, Unistore, which can be used to unify analytical and transactional data.

Figure 12-1. The Snowflake workloads

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