
  1. 1. H. K. Gardner, E. Bedzra, and S. M. Elnahal, “Ganging Up on Cancer: Integrative Research Centers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (A),” Case 412-029 (Boston: Harvard Business School, September 2011; revised October 2012); J. T. Polzer and H. K. Gardner, “Bridgewater Associates,” Multimedia/Video Case 413-702 (Boston: Harvard Business School, May 2013); H. K. Gardner, “Getting Your Stars to Collaborate: How Dana-Farber Turns Rival Experts into Problem-Solving Partners,” Harvard Business Review, January–February 2017, 100–108; H. K. Gardner, “PwC’s Performance Pilot Transforming Compensation and Leadership,” Case HLS22-64 (Boston: Harvard Law School, March 2022).

  2. 2. Heidi K. Gardner and Ivan A. Matviak, “Smarter Collaboration ...

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