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2. Parag C. Pendharkar, Girish H. Subramanian, and James A. Rodger, “A Probabilistic Model for Predicting Software Development Effort,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 31(7), 615–624, 2005.

3. Parag C. Pendharkar and James A. Rodger, “An Empirical Study of Impact of Crossover Operators on the Performance of Non-binary Genetic Algorithm Based Neural Approaches for Classification,” Computers & Operations Research, 31, 481–498, 2004.

4. Parag C. Pendharkar and James A. Rodger, “The Relationship Between Software Development Team Size and Software Development Cost,” Communications of the ACM, 52(1), 141–144, 2009.

5. James A. Rodger, Pankaj Pankaj, and Micki Hyde, “A Field Study Utilizing the Medical Companion Healthcare Module (MCHM) and Smart Data to Measure Importance, Effectiveness, Suitability and Ease of Use in Mobile Medical Informatics (MMI) Systems,” Academic e-Journal eJ.D.E. ISSN, 1776–2960, 2009.

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