Appendix A. Hardware and Software

I try to point out any specific hardware parts or software packages where I first use them, but I also want to give you a quick list of the various components for easy reference. I wasn’t paid for mentioning any products nor do the various owners and manufacturers endorse my book. The glowing opinions I express here are entirely my own. :)

Getting the Code

The C examples and Arduino Sketches are all available online at Most examples have links to their particular files, but you can also download the archive using the drop-down shown in Figure A-1.

For the C examples, there’s not really anything else to do. You can open any of the examples in your editor of choice. You can make and save your changes, then compile the examples right there in the same folder.

For the various sketches, you may want to drag each sketch folder over to your Arduino Sketchbook location as you work on it. (This location is set in the Arduino IDE preferences, as shown in Figure 11-9 from “The libraries folder”.) This will make sure you have access to any libraries you may have installed. It also means you can look in the “usual spot” for these projects after you’re done with the book.

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Figure A-1. Downloading the examples archive from GitHub

Getting the Hardware: Adafruit

A lot of the physical gear I use throughout the ...

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