Chapter 20. Load Balancing in the Datacenter
This chapter focuses on load balancing within the datacenter. Specifically, it discusses algorithms for distributing work within a given datacenter for a stream of queries. We cover application-level policies for routing requests to individual servers that can process them. Lower-level networking principles (e.g., switches, packet routing) and datacenter selection are outside of the scope of this chapter.
Assume there is a stream of queries arriving to the datacenter—these could be coming from the datacenter itself, remote datacenters, or a mix of both—at a rate that doesn’t exceed the resources that the datacenter has to process them (or only exceeds it for very short amounts of time). Also assume that there are services within the datacenter, against which these queries operate. These services are implemented as many homogeneous, interchangeable server processes mostly running on different machines. The smallest services typically have at least three such processes (using fewer processes means losing 50% or more of your capacity if you lose a single machine) and the largest may have more than 10,000 processes (depending on datacenter size). In the typical case, services are composed of between 100 and 1,000 processes. We call these processes backend tasks (or just backends). Other tasks, known as client tasks, hold connections to the backend tasks. For each incoming query, ...
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