Chapter 1

Introducing the Ecommerce Essentials


Bullet Setting the ecommerce scene

Bullet Seeing how Shopify can help you plan for success

Bullet Getting ready to build a user-friendly online store

Bullet Managing inventory and fulfilling orders

Bullet Marketing your online business

Ecommerce is a wonderful vehicle for positive change in so many ways. I’ve been lucky enough to witness many people make successful careers out of both starting an online store, or working in ecommerce. I’ve also seen the undeniable positive impact that trading online can have on the environment, and society in general, by giving wider reach and accessibility to promote good causes or raise money. For me, ecommerce is not only a career but a passion, and I take great pride in the ecommerce community as it continues to evolve into what surely must be the future of commerce.

In this chapter I introduce you to some ecommerce essentials, including looking at the inception and history of trading goods and services online. I then ...

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