Chapter 5. The Care and Feeding of SharePoint Libraries
In This Chapter
Understanding what SharePoint document libraries are and what they do
Customizing the settings for the default Shared Documents library
Exploring the various ways to upload files to a document library
Adding new documents and picture libraries to your SharePoint site
Filtering document libraries
Lists may form the core of SharePoint, but the SharePoint document libraries, the subject of this chapter, are surely its most used feature. No matter what else your SharePoint site does or does not contain, the site is bound to include some type of documents meant to provide essential background material to your teams — material that can be quickly updated and immediately accessed. And that's exactly where SharePoint document libraries come in, by providing you and your teams with a central location for files that are indispensable to the collaboration.
To that end, this chapter covers how to organize and create document libraries for your essential text and data files as well as create picture libraries for your important graphic files. The chapter then shows you how to upload documents to these libraries and make them available to your team members.
The chapter also covers how to connect document libraries with Outlook 2007 so that team members with the appropriate permissions can access the files in a document library right from within Outlook on their local computers (making it possible to use and work with local copies ...
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