
Set error message header V8 and later

When a notification of a mail error is sent to the sender, the details of the error are taken from the text saved in the xf file (The Transcript File: xf on page 401). The ErrorHeader option allows you to prepend custom text ahead of that error text.

Custom error text is useful for sites that wish to offer help as part of the error message. For example, one common kind of error message is notification of an unknown user:

----- Transcript of session follows -----
 550 5.7.1 User unknown
----- Unsent message follows -----

Here, the user smith is one that is unknown. A useful error help message for your site to produce might be:

Common problems:
     User unknown: the user or login name is wrong.
     Host unknown: you mistyped the host part of the address.
----- Transcript of session follows -----
 550 5.7.1 User unknown
----- Unsent message follows -----

The forms for the ErrorHeader option are as follows:

O ErrorHeader=textconfiguration file (V8.7 and later)
-OErrorHeader=textcommand line (V8.7 and later)
define(`confERROR_MESSAGE',`text')   ← mc configuration (V8.7 and later)
OEtextconfiguration file (V8.6 deprecated)
-oEtextcommand line (V8.6 deprecated)

The argument text is mandatory. If it is missing, this option is ignored. The text is either the actual error text that is printed or the name of a file containing that text. If text begins with the / character, it is taken as the absolute pathname ...

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