Chapter 2. Network Scanning
Virtually every network attack requires the IP address and port number of a vulnerable host in order to function. For example, if you have an Apache exploit ready to use, you need the IP address (and possibly the port number if the server is running on a nonstandard port) of a computer running Apache. Network scanners can provide you with this information, letting you know not only what IP addresses and ports are open but also what applications are running on which port.
Even if you don’t have any specific intent, running a network scanner against a host or subnet provides valuable information you couldn’t gather otherwise. Modern scanners can give you a feel for an entire network topology within a handful of seconds.
Scanners also are good at determining firewall rules and other access control policies. An administrator can verify his firewall is working properly using these techniques. Similarly, an attacker can use the same tricks to find holes in firewall coverage or simply learn the firewall rules to tailor his attack.
How Scanners Work
There are a number of network scanners out there, and each supports a different feature set and operates in a slightly different fashion. That said, most network scanners follow the same basic principles.
Networked applications communicate by sending packets back and forth. Scanners can determine whether an application is running on a computer by sending a packet that should elicit a response and waiting to see what comes ...
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