List of Acronyms

AAA Authentication authorization accounting
ACQUIRE Active query forwarding in sensor networks
ADC Analog-to-digital conversion
AES Advanced encryption standard
AH Authentication header
AKA Auxiliary key agreement
AM Access mesh
AOA Angle of arrival
AODV Ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing
ARAN Authenticated routing for ad hoc networking
ARIADNE On-demand secure ad hoc routing
BACNet Building automation and control network
BAN Body area network
BEC Backward error correction
BGP Border gateway protocol
BM Backbone mesh
BWA Broadband wireless access
C2 Command and control
C4ISR Command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance
C4ISRT Command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, targeting
CA Certificate authority
CA Collision avoidance
CBRN Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear
CCMP Counter mode with cipher block chaining message authentication code protocol
CD Collision detection
CDMA Code division multiple access
COMINT Communications intelligence
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CRL Certificate revocation list
CRS Charging and rewarding scheme
CSMA Carrier sense multiple access
CTS Clear to send
DADMA Data aggregation and dilution by modulus addressing
DCF Distributed coordination function
DCMD Detecting and correcting malicious data
DES Data encryption standard
DISN Defense information system
DLL ...

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