Chapter 11. Checking Libraries and APIs for Holes
Before you can know that a particular piece of software will behave in a particular way, you need to test it. Yes, you do have a specification and you created the code in accordance with that specification. You even debugged the code to ensure that there aren’t any obvious errors in it. However, you still don’t know that the code will function as originally intended until you perform some level of testing on it. Testing ensures that software behaves as you expect it should.
This chapter does discuss testing in the traditional sense, but it also views nontraditional sorts of testing. A standard testing suite will provide specific inputs and then validate the expected outputs. However, the real world doesn’t always provide the kind of input that libraries and APIs expect, so it’s important to test that sort of input as well. Of course, when you test in this manner, you don’t know what to expect as output. The library or API design must contain functionality that helps with recovery from errant input so that the system doesn’t crash, but you don’t know whether this functionality is even present until you perform the required level of testing.
Testing can and should happen at multiple levels. Unit testing, the testing of individual pieces of code, comes first. A developer begins performing this sort of testing shortly after writing the first bits of code. Next comes integration testing as the application components are put together. ...
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