Securing the Clicks Network Security in the Age of Social Media

Book description

Defend against corporate espionage launched from social networks

Protect your organization from devastating social media attacks with instruction from a team of information security experts. Securing the Clicks: Network Security in the Age of Social Media explains the latest threats along with detailed fixes, best practices, and "from the headlines" case studies. Find out how to analyze risk, implement robust security protocols, and enforce social media usage policies. Regulatory compliance, online reputation management, and incident response are also covered in this comprehensive volume.

  • Assess your global social media presence and identify vulnerabilities
  • Establish solid security policies at every level of your organization
  • Allocate resources for planning, administration, and corrective action
  • Monitor usage by employees, clients, competitors, and the public
  • Block cyberstalking. phishing, malware, and identity theft exploits
  • Guard intellectual property rights, trademarks, copyrights, and logos
  • Preserve your brand image using online reputation management tools

Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Dedication
  4. About the Authors