Some Missing Keyboard Shortcuts
InDesign boasts many keyboard shortcuts, but some are conspicuously absent (for instance a shortcut for applying semibold), and there are a few I use in other applications which aren’t available in InDesign but which are not difficult to script. Examples of these are some ESTK shortcuts, most notably to swap lines, to duplicate a line or a selection, and to insert tabs at the beginning of all selected paragraphs to indent blocks of text. I’ll describe some of them here.
A Keyboard Shortcut for Semibold
You can apply all kinds of fortmatting to text, such as smallcaps, italic, and bold, but, strangely, not semibold. I always found that a strange omission and scripted a shortcut. Here is the full script (note all the try–catch constructions to make sure that the script doesn’t stop with an error):
try { switch (app.selection[0].fontStyle) { case "Regular": case "Roman": { try {app.selection[0].fontStyle = "Semibold"} catch (_) {app.selection[0].fontStyle = "Bold"}; break } case "Italic": { try {app.selection[0].fontStyle = "Semibold Italic"} catch (_) {app.selection[0].fontStyle = "Bold Italic"}; break } case "Semibold": case "Bold": { try {app.selection[0].fontStyle = "Regular"} catch (_) {app.selection[0].fontStyle = "Normal}"; break } case "Semibold Italic": case "Bold Italic": { try {app.selection[0].fontStyle = "Italic"} catch (_) {} break } } } catch(_){}
The script works like other shortcuts: the script toggles roman (or regular) and semibold; it ...
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