11.22. Sorting an Existing Map by Key or Value
You have an unsorted map and want to sort the elements in the map by the key or value.
Given a basic, immutable Map
scala>val grades = Map("Kim" -> 90,
|"Al" -> 85,
|"Melissa" -> 95,
|"Emily" -> 91,
|"Hannah" -> 92
grades: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(Hannah -> 92, Melissa -> 95, Kim -> 90, Emily -> 91, Al -> 85)
You can sort the map by key, from low to
high, using sortBy
scala>import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap scala>ListMap(grades.toSeq.sortBy(_._1):_*)
res0: scala.collection.immutable.ListMap[String,Int] = Map(Al -> 85, Emily -> 91, Hannah -> 92, Kim -> 90, Melissa -> 95)
You can also sort the keys in ascending or descending order using
// low to high scala>ListMap(grades.toSeq.sortWith(_._1 < _._1):_*)
res0: scala.collection.immutable.ListMap[String,Int] = Map(Al -> 85, Emily -> 91, Hannah -> 92, Kim -> 90, Melissa -> 95) // high to low scala>ListMap(grades.toSeq.sortWith(_._1 > _._1):_*)
res1: scala.collection.immutable.ListMap[String,Int] = Map(Melissa -> 95, Kim -> 90, Hannah -> 92, Emily -> 91, Al -> 85)
You can sort the map by value using sortBy
scala> ListMap(grades.toSeq.sortBy(_._2):_*)
res0: scala.collection.immutable.ListMap[String,Int] =
Map(Al -> 85, Kim -> 90, Emily -> 91, Hannah -> 92, Melissa -> 95)
You can also sort by value in ascending or descending order using
// low to high
scala> ListMap(grades.toSeq.sortWith(_._2 ...
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