SAP ABAP: Hands-On Test Projects with Business Scenarios

Book description


SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) elucidates the numerous features of the core programming platform, which is used for development for the entire SAP software suite. SAP ABAP uses numerous hands on business oriented use cases and a valuable dedicated e-resource to demonstrate the underlying advanced concepts of the OO ABAP environment and the SAP UI. SAP ABAP covers the latest version (NetWeaver 7.3 and SAP application programming release 6.0) of the platform for demonstrating the customization and implementation phases of the SAP software implementation.

Shorn of weighty theoretical treatment and preoccupation with language syntax, SAP ABAP is a comprehensive, practical one stop solution,which demonstrates and conveys the language’s commands and features through hands on examples. The accompanying e-resource is a take off point to the book.

SAP ABAP works in tandem with the accompanying e-resource to create an interactive learning environment where the book provides a brief description and an overview of a specified feature/command followed by the user switching over to the accompanying e-resource, where a step-by-step guide to creating and running the feature’s object is available.

The presentation of the features is scenario oriented, i.e. most of the features are demonstrated in terms of small business scenarios. The e-resource contains the scenario descriptions, screen shots, detailed screen cams and ABAP program source to enable the reader to create all objects related to the scenario and run/execute them.

The underlying concepts of a feature/command are conveyed through execution of these hands-on programs. Further exercises to be performed independently by the reader are also proposed. The demonstration/illustration objects including the programs rely on some of the SAP application tables being populated, for example an IDES system which is now a de facto system for all SAP training related activities.


Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents at a Glance
  6. Contents
  7. About the Authors
  8. About the Technical Reviewer
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. Introduction
  11. Chapter 1: ERP and SAP Overview
    1. ERP Overview
      1. Business Enterprises
      2. Business Activities
      3. ERP Concept, Its Evolution
      4. Major Attributes of ERP Software
    2. SAP Overview
      1. Client Server Architecture
      2. SAP NetWeaver
      3. SAP Functionalities
      4. SAP Implementation Overview
      5. Overview of SAP Login, SAP GUI, ABAP Workbench
      6. Client Code Perspectives
      7. SAP IDES (Internet Demonstration & Evaluation System) Server and Usage of IDES Server for Trainings
      8. Terminology Clarification
    3. Conclusion
  12. Chapter 2: ABAP Dictionary/Data Dictionary/DDIC – 1
    1. ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen
    2. View Table Structure Definitions of the SAP Delivered VBRK and VBRP Tables
    3. DDIC Attributes
      1. Metadata
      2. Standardization and Uniformity
      3. Open SQL and the Data Definition Language
      4. DDIC Object References in ABAP Programs
      5. Data Control Language
      6. Search Helps/Pop-up Selection Lists
    4. Data Types in the DDIC
      1. Data Type DEC
      2. Data Types CURR, QUAN
    5. DDIC Object Domain
      1. View or Examine an SAP Delivered Domain
    6. DDIC Object Data Element
      1. View or Examine an SAP Delivered Data Element
    7. Domain and Data Element Relationship
    8. DDIC Object Table
    9. Transparent Tables
      1. Domain, Data Element, and Table Relationship
      2. View, Examine an SAP Delivered Table
    10. Scenario for Hands-on Exercise on Domain, Data Element, and Table
      1. Table and Table Fields
      2. Entity Relationship Diagram – Restaurant Billing System
      3. Assigning DDIC Data Types and Lengths to Table Fields
      4. Summary of Data Types, Lengths, and List of Tables’ Entities and Attributes
    11. Creation of Domains, Data Elements, and Tables
      1. Objects Naming Convention, Listing of Objects
      2. Create Domains
      3. Create Data Elements
      4. Create Tables
    12. Create Data in Tables
      1. Data in Table YCL_CH02_WAITM
    13. Foreign Key Relationship Dialog Box Again
    14. Text Tables
      1. Recapitulation: Domains, Data Elements, and Tables
  13. Chapter 3: ABAP Dictionary/Data Dictionary/DDIC – 2
    1. DDIC Objects Views
      1. Database Views
      2. Projection View
    2. DDIC Objects Search Helps
      1. Search Help with Custom Tables
      2. Search Helps with SAP delivered Tables
      3. Collective Search Help with SAP delivered Table
      4. Search Help Attachments
      5. Search Help with Help View
    3. DDIC Tit Bits
    4. Conclusion
  14. Chapter 4: ABAP Language Basics
    1. Introduction
    2. ABAP Data Types
      1. Elementary Types
      2. Complex Types
      3. Reference Types (Discussion Is in OOP Context)
    3. Data Objects in ABAP Programs
      1. Internal Data Objects
      2. External Data Objects
      3. System-defined Data Objects
      4. Special Data Objects
    4. ABAP Program Components
    5. ABAP Editors
      1. Front-End Editor (New, also Called ‘Source Code Mode’)
      2. Front-End Editor (Old, also Called ‘Plain Text Mode’)
      3. Back-End Editor (also Called ‘Line Based Mode’)
      4. Common Features of the Three ABAP Editor Modes
    6. ABAP Program Structure
      1. Declaration Part- Global Data, Selection Screens, and Local Classes
      2. Container for Processing Blocks
      3. Calling Processing Blocks
    7. ABAP Statement Structure
      2. ABAP Statements
      3. ABAP Statements and Keywords
    8. First ABAP Program
    9. ABAP Program – Output a Few System Fields
      1. System Fields
    10. Internal Data Objects (Elementary) Declarations
      1. Variables
      2. ABAP Program: Declare Internal Data Objects – Variables (with VALUE) - Output
      3. ABAP Program: Declare Internal Data Objects – Constants - Output
      4. Literals
    11. Elementary Data Objects - Assigning Values or Data Movement
      1. Elementary Data Objects – Assignment or Movement with Offsets and Lengths (Types C, D, N and T)
    12. Structured Data Objects, Own Data Types
      1. Structured Data Object–ABAP Program: Access Individual Fields
      2. Structured Data Object: Access Complete Structure
      3. Structured Data Object in an ABAP Program: User Defined Type in ABAP Program, Access Complete Structure
      4. User Defined Type in DDIC
      5. Structured Data Object in an ABAP Program Referring to DDIC Type Group
      6. Structured Data Objects: MOVE Statement – Source, Destination Not Identical
    13. Date, Time Arithmetic
      1. Date Arithmetic – ABAP Program
    14. Arithmetic - Numerical Operations
      1. Basic Arithmetic Operations/Operators
      2. Functions Common to All Numeric Data Types
      3. Floating Point Functions
      4. Arithmetic Operations on Structures
    15. String Operations
      1. An ABAP Program Demonstrating TRANSLATE. UPPER CASE/LOWER CASE is Coded
      2. An ABAP Program Demonstrating CONCATENATE is Coded
      3. An ABAP Program Demonstrating SPLIT, the Reverse of CONCATENATE is Coded
      4. An ABAP Program Demonstrating the Function STRLEN( ) is Coded
      5. An ABAP Program Demonstrating the Statement CONDENSE is Coded
    16. Program Internal Flow Control
      1. Conditions, Conditional Operators
      2. The IF Condition Statement
      3. Conditional Branching with CASE
      4. The Unconditional Loops: DO - ENDDO
      5. The Conditional Loops: - WHILE - ENDWHILE
    17. Determine Attributes of Data Objects
    18. Conclusion
  15. Chapter 5: WRITE Statement (Classical Reporting)
    1. WRITE Statement
    2. WRITE Statement: Hands-on Exercise - A Simple Customer List
    3. WRITE Statement: Hands-on Exercise - A Simple Customer List with Standard Page Header or List Headers
    4. An Introduction to Events in ABAP Programs
      1. Event - START-OF-SELECTION
    5. WRITE Statement: Hands-on Exercise - Simple Customer List with the Nonstandard Page Header
      1. TOP-OF-PAGE Event
      2. Text Element Component Text Symbols
      3. Source Program, the Program Flow
    6. WRITE Statement: Hands-on Exercise - Simple Customer List with the NonStandard Page Header, Footer
    7. WRITE Statement: Hands-on Exercise - Simple Customer List Using COLOR Options
    8. WRITE Statement: Hands-on Exercise - Simple Customer List with Fields Enclosed in Boxes
    9. WRITE Statement: Hands-on Exercise - List of Billing Documents of a Specified Company Code
      1. Text Symbols
    10. WRITE Statement: Hands-on Exercise - Getting Part of Output on a Single Page, Not Splitting between Pages
      1. Scenario:
    11. WRITE Statement: Hands-on Exercise - Freeze Columns on the Left: SET LEFT SCROLL-BOUNDARY
    12. WRITE Statement: Miscellaneous Features, Statements
      1. WRITE Statement - Features
      2. WRITE Statement – Associated Statements
      3. Output Formatting Options
    13. Conclusion
  16. Chapter 6: Internal Tables
    1. DDIC Object: Structure
    2. Internal Tables Declarations
      1. Internal Tables – 3.X Mode of Declarations
    3. Hands-On Exercise: List of Billing Documents of a Specified Company Code
    4. Hands-On Exercise: Customer Code Wise List of Billing Documents of a Specified Company Code with Totals for Every Customer and a Grand Total
    5. Internal Table Declarations – Continued
      1. Internal Tables – 4.X Mode of Declarations
      2. Create DDIC Internal Table Type
      3. Internal Tables – 4.X Mode of Declarations – Continued
    6. Hands-On Exercise: Split a String, Get Output in Nonstructured Internal Table
    7. SORT Statement
    8. APPEND Statement
    9. Hands-On Exercise: Internal Table Text Sort (Use APPEND to Populate Internal Table)
    10. Hands-On Exercise: Customer Wise Sales Summary of a Specified Company Code Using the COLLECT Internal Table Statement on a Standard Table
      1. Output
      2. Inputs
      3. COLLECT Statement
      4. COLLECT Statement Operation
    11. Hands-On Exercise: Customer Wise Sales of a Specified Company Code Using COLLECT Internal Table Statement on a Sorted Table
    12. Hands-On Exercise: READ with Index (Retrieve a Row Given a Row Number)
    13. Hands-On Exercise: READ...WITHKEY... (Retrieve a Row Given Key Field Values)
    14. Hands-On Exercise: INSERT...INDEX... (Insert a Row at a Specified Row Position)
    15. Non-Index INSERT Statement
    16. Delete Data from Internal Tables
      1. DELETE Single Rows
      2. DELETE Multiple Rows
    17. Hands-On Exercise: Delete Adjacent Duplicates
      1. Scenario
    18. MODIFY Statement – Update/Change Existing Rows in Internal Tables
      1. MODIFY Statement – Update or Change a Single Row
      2. MODIFY Statement – Update or Change Multiple Rows
    19. Hands-On Exercise: MODIFY Single Row
    20. Hands-On Exercise: MODIFY Multiple Rows
    21. Hands-On Exercise: DESCRIBE TABLE Statement, Function: LINES( )
    22. Hands-On Exercise: Produce Multilevel Summary Using Internal Table Control Level Processing
      1. Scenario
      2. Input Data Identification
      3. Database View
      4. Output Main Body Layout
      5. Control Levels
      6. Mapping Application of Control Levels to Scenario
      7. SUM statement
      8. Extra Processing
      9. A Note on the Data Sources – Program YCL_CH06_ITAB14 vis-à-vis the Program YCL_CH06_ITAB05
    23. Hands-On Exercise: Initialize Internal Tables Rows or Complete Data
      1. Clear
      2. Refresh
      3. Free
    24. MOVE, Assign, Copy, Internal Tables
    25. Conclusion
  17. Chapter 7: Modularization
    1. Introduction
      1. Macros
      2. Subroutines
    2. Hands-On Exercise: Modify Chapter 44 Program on DESCRIBE FIELD – Use Macro and Subroutine to Make It an Efficient Program
    3. Hands-On Exercise: Modify Chapter 44 Program on DESCRIBE FIELD – Use Subroutine Only
    4. Hands-On Exercise: Subroutine with an Internal Table as Parameter
    5. Hands-On Exercise: Subroutine with a Structure as Parameter
    6. Hands-On Exercise: List of Icons in SAP GUI Environment – Fields Enclosed in Boxes Using Macro and Subroutine
    7. Messages Maintenance and Issuing in ABAP Workbench
      1. Message Text Maintenance
      2. Message Issuance
      3. Message Statement Syntaxes
      4. Message Statement Additional Options
      5. Hands-On Exercise: Message Issuance
    8. Function Modules, INCLUDE Programs
      1. Function Modules Introduction
      2. Examine or View an SAP Delivered Function Module: SPELL_AMOUNT
    9. Hands-On Exercise: CALL Function Module SPELL_AMOUNT
    10. Link, Relationship between Function Group & Function Module Source Code (Examine/View Function Module SPELL_AMOUNT – Continued)
    11. Hands-On Exercise: Create a Function Module to Split a String without breaking a Word
      1. Proposed Function Module Interface:
      2. Tasks to Create, CALL, and Test the Proposed Function Module
      3. Create a Function Group
    12. Special Function Modules - Conversion Routines
      1. Conversion Routines Background
      2. Conversion Routines Assignment
      3. Conversion Routine Attributes
    13. Conversion Routine – Hands-On Exercise: 1
    14. Conversion Routine – Hands-On Exercise: 2 and 3
    15. INCLUDE Programs
    16. Function Modules Tidbits
    17. List of a Few Function Modules
    18. Conclusion
  18. Chapter 8: Open SQL Data Retrieval
    1. Introduction
    2. Open SQL SELECT Statement
      1. SELECT… ENDSELECT with WHERE Condition, ORDER BY and UP TO Clauses
      2. SELECT SINGLE with/without WHERE condition
    3. Hands-On Exercise – INTO TABLE… PACKAGE SIZE…
    4. Hands-On Exercise – APPENDING TABLE… PACKAGE SIZE…
    5. Hands-On Exercise – SELECT DISTINCT…
    6. Hands-On Exercise – Aggregate Functions
      1. SUM
      2. COUNT
      3. MAX
      4. MIN
      5. AVG
    7. SELECT Statement Using More Than One Table or View – Joins
    8. Hands-On Exercise – Inner Join
    9. Hands-On Exercise – Outer Join
    10. Hands-On Exercise – Subquery
    11. Tabular WHERE Condition
      1. Field Symbol Declarations
      2. Field Symbol Static Assignments
      3. Field Symbol Hands-On Exercise
      4. Field Symbol Dynamic Assignments, UNASSIGN, Check If Assigned
      5. Specify the <source> In Open SQL SELECT Statement at Runtime
      6. Create Dynamic Data Objects
      7. Run Time <source> Specification in SELECT Statement – Hands-on
    13. Specify in the Open SQL SELECT Statement Run Time <result>, <where condition>, and <order by>
      3. CURSORS
      4. Performance Notes
    15. A Brief on ABAP Debugger
      1. Break Points, Watch Points, and Executing Programs in Debugging Mode
      2. Debugger Types
      3. Break Point Types
      4. Execute Programs in Debugging Mode
      5. Hands-On Exercise I - ABAP Debugger
      6. Hands-on Exercise II - ABAP Debugger
      7. Conclusion - ABAP Debugger
    16. Conclusion
  19. Chapter 9: SELECTION-SCREENS
    1. Recapitulation – PARAMETERS Statement
    2. Selection Screen: Layout and Positioning of Screen Elements
      1. Generate Blank Lines
      2. Multiple Elements on a Single Line
      3. Create Label or Text
      4. Input Field
      5. Create a Push Button with Icon and Text
      6. Generate a blank line through the already covered statement
      7. Selection Screen Block, BEGIN OF BLOCK
      8. Selection screen radio buttons
      9. Two Push Buttons on a Line
      10. Generate a blank line through the already covered statement
      11. END OF BLOCK
      12. AT SELECTION-SCREEN event
      1. Changing Screen Properties - Events
      2. Changing Screen Properties – Data Objects SCREEN
      3. Changing Screen Properties – Operations on Data Objects SCREEN
    4. Changing Screen Properties Using Event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT (A Simple Payment Mode Scenario)
      1. Scenario
    5. Selection Screen Event – AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR <field>
    6. Selection Screen Event – AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON HELP REQUEST FOR <field>
      1. The Origins of F1 Help on a Screen Field
      2. Situation for the Event: AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON HELP REQUEST FOR <field>
    7. Selection Screen Event – AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON <field>
    8. Selection Screen Event – AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON BLOCK <block name>
    9. SELECTION-SCREEN Complex and Multiple Selections – SELECT-OPTIONS
      1. SELECT-OPTIONS – Syntax
      2. SELECT-OPTIONS – Data objects
      3. SELECT-OPTIONS – Screens, Prompts And Dialog Boxes
      4. SELECT-OPTIONS –Selection Table In WHERE Condition of SELECT Statement
    10. ABAP Program Variants
    12. Coding an ABAP Program to Be Able to Run It in Background
      1. Background Jobs
      2. A New Version of the Program YCL_CH09_SELECTION_SCREEN08 Enabling it to Run in the Background
    13. SELECT-OPTIONS - Miscellanea
      1. SELECT-OPTIONS Events
    14. SELECT-OPTIONS with DEFAULT Addition
      1. SELECT-OPTIONS Other Additions
    15. Selection Texts
    16. SELECTION-SCREEN - Miscellanea
      1. Check Box on a Selection Screen
      2. Horizontal Line on a Selection Screen
      3. Addition MODIF ID with Selection Screen Elements
      5. Define and Call User Defined SELECTION-SCREEN
    17. Conclusion
  20. Chapter 10: Interactive Lists
    1. Multiple Lists Generation by an ABAP Program
    2. Interactive Lists: Events and Considerations
    3. Hands-on Exercise to Highlight Event AT LINE-SELECTION and the Operation of the System Field SY-LSIND
    4. Hands-on Exercise: Produce Two Level Sales Report Using the AT LINE-SELECTION Event (1 Primary and 1 Secondary)
      1. Data Declarations
      2. Coding in the Event Block AT LINE-SELECTION
    5. Hands-on Exercise: Produce Three Level Sales Report Using the AT LINE-SELECTION Event (1 Primary and 2 Secondary)
      1. Layout:
      2. Information Passing: From One List to Another – the HIDE Statement
      3. Create the Text in Text Symbols for the Header of a Secondary List II
    6. Hands-on Exercise: Produce Three Level Sales Reports Using the AT USER-COMMAND Event (1 Primary and 2 Secondary)
      1. Trigger AT USER-COMMAND Event by Clicking Custom Buttons on the Custom Application Toolbar:
      2. Create a Custom Application Toolbar in the Menu Painter
      3. Create Text in Text Symbols for Providing Dynamic Texts to Status ‘STAT2f’
    7. Hands-on Exercise: Output Data of Runtime Specified Fields of a Runtime Specified Database Table or View with Column Heading from Corresponding Data Elements
      1. Lists or Outputs
      2. Program Features, Considerations
    8. Hands-on Exercise: Demonstration of SET USER-COMMAND and Lists in Dialogue Boxes
    9. Interactive Lists Tid Bits
      1. Features of Interactive Lists Not Covered:
    10. Conclusion
  21. Chapter 11: ABAP OOP
    1. Introduction
    2. Local Class Syntaxes: Definition, Implementation, Declaration of Methods, Calling Methods
      1. Class Definition:
      2. Declaration of Methods
      3. Class Implementation
      4. Calling Methods, Referring to Attributes
    3. Interface Declaration
    4. Hands-on Exercise: Define and Implement a Simple Local Class
      1. (Method to Concatenate a Text Array into a String)
    5. Hands-on Exercise: Define and Implement a Simple Global Class
      1. (Method to Concatenate a Text Array into a String)
    6. Hands-on Exercise: Global Class (Method to Split a String without Breaking a Word)
    7. Hands-on Exercise: Define Local Interface, Implement Interface Method in Local Classes (Method to Fetch Business Partner Name & Address)
      1. Scenario
    8. Hands-on Exercise: Use Methods of SAP Delivered Class ‘CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES’
      1. Tour of Class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES
      2. Exercise and ABAP Program Specifications
    9. Hands-on Exercise: Context Menus - Use Method of SAP Supplied Class CL_CTMENU
      1. Context Menus
      2. Create a Context Menu
      3. Built-in Class CL_CTMENU – Method LOAD_GUI_STATUS
      4. Call Back Subroutine ON_CTMENU_REQEST
    10. Class Based Exceptions in ABAP
      1. Create a Custom Exception Class (OTR Texts)
      2. Use Your Own Exception Class in the Event AT SELECTION-SCREEN of an ABAP Program
      3. Use a Custom Class Based Exception in the Function Module
      4. Create a Custom Exception Class (Message Class Text)
      5. Use a Custom Exception Class in a Subroutine
    11. A Brief on the ABAP RTTS (Runtime Type Services)
    12. Hands-on Exercise to Demonstrate RTTC & RTTI
    13. Conclusion
  22. Chapter 12: ABAP List Viewer Outputs—Part 1
    1. ALV Output Architecture
    2. Screen Programming Basics
      1. Attributes
      2. Layout Editor
      3. Element List
      4. Flow Logic
      2. CL_GUI_ALV_GRID
    4. ALV Miscellaneous Topics
    5. Hands-on Exercise: Customer-wise Sales Summary of a Specified Company Code as ALV Output: Use Class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID
      1. Initial Output Layout
      2. Performing Tasks for ALV Output
      3. Changing Layout
    6. Hands-on Exercise: Customer-wise Sales Summary of a Specified Company Code as ALV Output, Version 2: Use Class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID
      1. Use the Field Catalog and Provide Save Layouts Facility, Etc
      2. Creating a Field Catalog
      3. Controlling Overall Appearance of ALV Output
    7. Save and Manage ALV Output Layouts
    8. Hands-on Exercise: Customer-wise Sales Summary and Detail of a Specified Company Code as ALV Output: Use Class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID
      1. Generating a Detailed List of Customer Billing Documents
      2. Placing a Custom Button on the ALV Toolbar and Making It Operative
      3. Outputting a Serial Number and Adjusting It with the Change in ALV Layout
    9. Conclusion
  23. Chapter 13: ABAP List Viewer Output—Part 2
    1. ALV Output Using the Class CL_SALV_TABLE
      1. Main ALV class: CL_SALV_TABLE
    2. Hands-on Exercise: Customer-wise Sales Summary of a Specified Company Code as ALV Output: Use Class CL_SALV_TABLE
      1. Change Field or Column Properties Provide for Save Layouts Facility, Etc
    3. Hands-on Exercise: Customer-wise Sales Summary and Detail of a Specified Company Code as ALV Output: Use Class CL_SALV_TABLE
      1. Events DOUBLE_CLICK, CLOSE, Put Buttons on ALV Toolbar and USER_COMMAND
    4. A Note on Problems with the Class CL_SALV_TABLE
      1. Problem with Multiple Fields Sort
      2. Methods of Class CL_SALV_SELOPT
    5. Create Data Browsers Using the Classes CL_GUI_ALV_GRID and CL_SALV_TABLE
    6. Hands-on Exercise: Output Specific Selected Fields of a Specific Database Table or View in ALV: Use Class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID
    7. Hands-on Exercise: Output Specific Selected Fields of a Specific Database Table or View in ALV: Use Class CL_SALV_TABLE
    8. Conclusion
  24. Chapter 14: Screen Programming
    1. Basics of Screen Painter
    2. Hands-on Exercise. Operate on the Data of a Copy of Table ‘T005T’
      1. Data to Be Operated Upon
      2. Screens
      3. Transaction Code SE80 – Object Navigator
      4. Test Operations
    3. Hands-on Exercise. Demonstrate Search Help Import Parameters, Screen Event PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST – POV, etc
      1. Scenario
      2. Scenario Implementation
    4. Hands-on Exercise. Simulate Tab Strip Element Using Sub Screen Area, Sub Screens and Application Tool Bar Buttons
      1. Tab Strip Element/Control
      2. Scenario
      3. Data for the Scenario
      4. Screen, Sub Screens Layout
      5. Program and Other Objects
    5. Hands-on Exercise. Tab Strip Element
    6. Hands-on Exercise. Use Table Element
      1. Table Element/Control
      2. Scenario
      3. Scenario Implementation
    7. Miscellanea
      1. Create Custom Transaction Code
      2. A Brief Overview of DDIC Lock Objects
      3. Tab Strip on a SELECTION-SCREEN
    8. Maintenance Views and Table Maintenance Dialogs
      1. Overview. Maintenance Views, Table Maintenance Generator, and Table Maintenance Dialogs
      2. Hands-on Exercise. Create and Operate Table Maintenance Dialog for the Custom Database Table YCL_CH02_BILLI
      3. Hands-on Exercise. Modify Generated Table Maintenance Dialog
      4. Maintenance View, Table Maintenance Dialog, Miscellanea
    9. Conclusion
  25. Appendix A: Description of the SAP-Delivered Tables Used in the Hands-On Exercises
    1. SAP-Delivered Tables Used in the Hands-On Exercises of the Book – Categories and Subcategories
    2. “T” Series - Universal Data Tables
    3. “T” Series - Configuring Data Tables
    4. ‘T’ Series - Cross Client Tables
    5. Master Data Tables - Customers
    6. Master Data Tables - Vendors
    7. Master Data Tables – Material
    8. Transaction Data Tables - Sales
      1. Fields Requiring Further Explanation
      2. Fields Requiring Further Explanation
    9. Tables of Sales Functionality - ER Diagram
    10. Transaction Data Tables - Purchase
    11. ER Diagram of Tables of Purchase Functionality
    12. X. Cross client (Client independent) tables
    13. Non-categorized Table
    14. Conclusion
  26. Index

Product information

  • Title: SAP ABAP: Hands-On Test Projects with Business Scenarios
  • Author(s): Sushil Markandeya, Kaushik Roy
  • Release date: November 2014
  • Publisher(s): Apress
  • ISBN: 9781430248040