Sams Teach Yourself Windows® 8 Apps with JavaScript and HTML5 in 24 Hours

Book description

Write Windows 8 Metro apps capable of running on one billion devices -- and do it with familiar HTML5 and JavaScript technologies! Sams Teach Yourself Windows 8 Metro Apps with JavaScript and HTML5 in 24 Hours is the fastest way for web and Windows developers to profit from the massive new Windows 8/Metro opportunity. Microsoft MVP Chad Carter teaches every facet of HTML5/JavaScript Metro development simply and clearly, through 24 concise, hands-on lessons focused on knowledge you can apply immediately. Each lesson builds on what's come before, helping you get practical results fast! You'll learn how HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 fit into Metro development… how to quickly master Metro design and start using Microsoft's powerful Metro templates… what you need to know about WinRT and WinJS… how to build high-performance Metro apps… how to handle tablet and smartphone form factors, touch, and sensors… how to bind data to apps, and store it locally or remotely… how to manage app lifecycle events… how to make the most of Metro's innovative UI features… and much more. Carter walks you through constructing apps and games from start to finish, and even shows how to get them certified for sale at the Windows Store. Step-by-step instructions walk readers through key tasks... Q-and-As, Quizzes, and Exercises test their knowledge... "Did You Know?" tips offer insider advice... "Watch Out!" alerts help them avoid problems. By the time they're finished, readers will be comfortable with every phase of Windows 8 Metro development -- from planning apps through earning revenue!

Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Contents at a Glance
  4. Table of Contents
  5. About the Author
  6. Dedication
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. We Want to Hear from You
  9. Reader Services
  10. Introduction
    1. Who Should Read This Book?
    2. Hardware and Software Requirements
    3. How This Book Is Organized
  11. Part I: Building the Foundation
    1. Hour 1. Getting a Refresher on JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3
      1. Understanding How Each Piece Fits Together
      2. Working with JavaScript in Windows Store App Development
      3. Understanding JavaScript Promises
      4. Working with HTML5 in Windows Store App Development
      5. Using CSS3 in Windows Store App Development
      6. Further Exploration
      7. Summary
      8. Q&A
      9. Workshop
    2. Hour 2. Trying Out File | New | Project
      1. Creating a Blank App Project
      2. Creating a Fixed Layout App Project
      3. Creating a Navigation App Project
      4. Creating a Split App Project
      5. Creating a Grid App Project
      6. Navigating to Content in Any Location
      7. Further Exploration
      8. Summary
      9. Q&A
      10. Workshop
    3. Hour 3. Exploring the Windows Runtime (WinRT) and Windows Library for JavaScript (WinJS)
      1. What Is the Windows Runtime?
      2. Understanding the Windows Library for JavaScript
      3. Further Exploration
      4. Summary
      5. Q&A
      6. Workshop
    4. Hour 4. Creating WinJS Namespaces, Classes, and Custom Controls
      1. Defining Namespaces and Classes Using WinJS
      2. Creating Custom Controls
      3. Adding intelliSense to Namespaces, Classes, and Controls
      4. Further Exploration
      5. Summary
      6. Q&A
      7. Workshop
    5. Hour 5. Understanding Microsoft Design Style Principles
      1. Understanding Why Design Matters to Developers
      2. Exploring How the Microsoft Design Style Came into Existence
      3. Understanding the Microsoft Design Style Principles
      4. Introducing Blend for Visual Studio
      5. Further Exploration
      6. Summary
      7. Q&A
      8. Workshop
    6. Hour 6. Customizing the Style of Our Apps
      1. Exploring the WinJS Light and Dark Style Sheets
      2. Overriding the Default Styles in the WinJS Controls
      3. Using the Tools to Style Our Apps
      4. Using the Windows 8 Animation Library
      5. Further Exploration
      6. Summary
      7. Q&A
      8. Workshop
    7. Hour 7. Debugging, Securing, and Measuring Our App’s Performance
      1. Debugging Apps
      2. Securing Apps
      3. Measuring the Performance of Our Apps
      4. Further Exploration
      5. Summary
      6. Q&A
      7. Workshop
  12. Part II: Handling the Hardware
    1. Hour 8. Working with Multitouch and Other Input
      1. Making Our Apps Touch First
      2. Working with Multitouch
      3. Supporting Mouse and Keyboard
      4. Using the Stylus or Pen
      5. Further Exploration
      6. Summary
      7. Q&A
      8. Workshop
    2. Hour 9. Working with Location and Hardware Sensors
      1. Declaring App Capabilities
      2. Built-In Sensor Features
      3. Using Location Sensors
      4. Examining Motion/Orientation Sensors
      5. Understanding the reportInterval Property
      6. Further Exploration
      7. Summary
      8. Q&A
      9. Workshop
  13. Part III: Working with Data
    1. Hour 10. Binding Data to Our Apps
      1. Introducing Data Binding
      2. Understanding the ListView Control
      3. Examining the CSS Grid (-ms-grid)
      4. Implementing Semantic Zoom
      5. Further Exploration
      6. Summary
      7. Q&A
      8. Workshop
    2. Hour 11. Storing Data Locally
      1. Working with DOM Local Storage
      2. Glancing at Session Storage
      3. Looking at the sessionState Object
      4. Working with WinRT Local Settings
      5. Working with WinRT Local Storage
      6. Reading Files from the App’s Installed Location
      7. Saving Images to Disk As Binary Large Objects
      8. Understanding the Lifetime of Application Data
      9. Working with the Indexed Database API (IndexedDB)
      10. Further Exploration
      11. Summary
      12. Q&A
      13. Workshop
    3. Hour 12. Using Remote Data
      1. Consuming RSS Feeds
      2. Digging into WinJS.xhr
      3. Further Exploration
      4. Summary
      5. Q&A
      6. Workshop
  14. Part IV: Making It a Windows Store App
    1. Hour 13. Working with Fullscreen, Filled, Snapped, and Portrait Views
      1. Learning About the Different View States in Windows 8
      2. Using the Simulator
      3. Using ViewBox for Fixed Layouts
      4. Using CSS Media Queries to Style Content Based on the Current View State
      5. Using the Resize Event to Determine the View State
      6. Using CSS msMatchMedia to Detect View State Changes
      7. Further Exploration
      8. Summary
      9. Q&A
      10. Workshop
    2. Hour 14. Using the App Bar and Pickers
      1. Adding an App Bar to an App
      2. Understanding Command Placement
      3. Styling the App Bar
      4. Dynamically Controlling the App Bar
      5. Displaying Flyouts and Menus from the App Bar
      6. Customizing the Command Images in the App Bar
      7. Opening a Single File with the File Picker
      8. Opening Multiple Files with the File Picker
      9. Saving a File with the File Picker
      10. Further Exploration
      11. Summary
      12. Q&A
      13. Workshop
    3. Hour 15. Handling App Life Cycle Events
      1. Understanding How Windows Manages the App Life Cycle
      2. Hooking into the App Life Cycle Events
      3. Debugging the App Life Cycle Events
      4. Starting the FingerPainting App
      5. Further Exploration
      6. Summary
      7. Q&A
      8. Workshop
    4. Hour 16. Using Contracts and Extensions
      1. Understanding Contracts and Extensions
      2. Using the File Open Picker Contract
      3. Using the Print Extension
      4. Using the Settings Extension
      5. Implementing the Contact Picker Extension
      6. Implementing the Search Contract
      7. Understanding the Share Contract
      8. Glancing at the Remaining Contracts and Extensions
      9. Further Exploration
      10. Summary
      11. Q&A
      12. Workshop
    5. Hour 17. Using Live Tiles, Secondary Tiles, Notifications, and Toasts
      1. Creating a Wide Tile
      2. Creating Secondary Tiles
      3. Using Badges to Update a Tile
      4. Understanding Notifications
      5. Understanding the Windows Push Notification Service
      6. Updating the Tile
      7. Examining Notification Queuing
      8. Sending Toast Notifications
      9. Further Exploration
      10. Summary
      11. Q&A
      12. Workshop
    6. Hour 18. Creating a Trial and Handling In-App Purchases
      1. Understanding the Value of Trial Modes
      2. Creating a Time-Limited Trial Mode App
      3. Checking the License Information
      4. Working with WindowsStoreProxy.xml
      5. Creating a Feature-Limited Trial Mode Example
      6. Allowing In-App Purchases
      7. Further Exploration
      8. Summary
      9. Q&A
      10. Workshop
  15. Part V: Putting It into Practice
    1. Hour 19. Making the RSS Aggregator App
      1. Upgrading the RSSReader to the RSS Aggregator
      2. Cleaning Up the UI
      3. Loading the Feeds Dynamically
      4. Making Search Work with Multiple Feeds
      5. Styling Snap View
      6. Allowing the User to Enter Feed URLs
      7. Keeping Track of the Scroll Position
      8. Adding the View in Browser Capability
      9. Allowing the User to Remove Feeds
      10. Saving the Feeds
      11. Further Exploration
      12. Summary
      13. Q&A
      14. Workshop
    2. Hour 20. Making the FingerPainting App
      1. Getting Started
      2. Saving the Artwork
      3. Creating the Home Page
      4. Saving State
      5. Saving Settings
      6. Sharing Content with Other Apps
      7. Receiving Content from Other Apps
      8. Summary
      9. Q&A
      10. Workshop
    3. Hour 21. Making the Simon Game
      1. Starting a New Project
      2. Understanding Game States
      3. Creating a Game Loop Example
      4. Styling the Game
      5. Creating the Game Logic
      6. Handling Input
      7. Playing Sounds
      8. Finishing Up the Game Logic
      9. Implementing the High Scores Screen
      10. Saving the Game
      11. Further Exploration
      12. Summary
      13. Q&A
      14. Workshop
  16. Part VI: Sending It Out to the World
    1. Hour 22. Understanding the Windows Store
      1. Understanding the Potential of the Windows Store
      2. Opening a Developer Account and Starting an App Submission
      3. Creating an App Package for the Windows Store
      4. Submitting Our App to the Windows Store
      5. Analyzing Our Apps in the Windows Store
      6. Updating a Windows Store App
      7. Further Exploration
      8. Summary
      9. Q&A
      10. Workshop
    2. Hour 23. Getting an App Certified
      1. Understanding the Need for Certification
      2. Using the Windows App Certification Kit
      3. Understanding the Certification Requirements
      4. Further Exploration
      5. Summary
      6. Q&A
      7. Workshop
    3. Hour 24. Making Money with Windows Store Apps
      1. Understanding Monetization Options
      2. Getting Paid
      3. Using the Windows Store Dashboard Effectively
      4. Marketing Our Apps Effectively
      5. Making Money by Selling Advertising
      6. Further Exploration
      7. Summary
      8. Q&A
      9. Workshop
  17. Part VII: Appendix
    1. Appendix. This Book’s Website
  18. Index

Product information

  • Title: Sams Teach Yourself Windows® 8 Apps with JavaScript and HTML5 in 24 Hours
  • Author(s): Chad Carter
  • Release date: November 2012
  • Publisher(s): Sams
  • ISBN: 9780133255881