Sample Size Calculations for Clustered and Longitudinal Outcomes in Clinical Research

Book description

Accurate sample size calculation ensures that clinical studies have adequate power to detect clinically meaningful effects. This results in the efficient use of resources and avoids exposing a disproportionate number of patients to experimental treatments caused by an overpowered study. Sample Size Calculations for Clustered and Longitudinal Outcom

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover (1/2)
  2. Front Cover (2/2)
  3. Contents
  4. Preface
  5. List of Figures
  6. List of Tables
  7. Chapter 1: Sample Size Determination for Independent Outcomes (1/5)
  8. Chapter 1: Sample Size Determination for Independent Outcomes (2/5)
  9. Chapter 1: Sample Size Determination for Independent Outcomes (3/5)
  10. Chapter 1: Sample Size Determination for Independent Outcomes (4/5)
  11. Chapter 1: Sample Size Determination for Independent Outcomes (5/5)
  12. Chapter 2: Sample Size Determination for Clustered Outcomes (1/8)
  13. Chapter 2: Sample Size Determination for Clustered Outcomes (2/8)
  14. Chapter 2: Sample Size Determination for Clustered Outcomes (3/8)
  15. Chapter 2: Sample Size Determination for Clustered Outcomes (4/8)
  16. Chapter 2: Sample Size Determination for Clustered Outcomes (5/8)
  17. Chapter 2: Sample Size Determination for Clustered Outcomes (6/8)
  18. Chapter 2: Sample Size Determination for Clustered Outcomes (7/8)
  19. Chapter 2: Sample Size Determination for Clustered Outcomes (8/8)
  20. Chapter 3: Sample Size Determination for Repeated Measurement Outcomes Using Summary Statistics (1/5)
  21. Chapter 3: Sample Size Determination for Repeated Measurement Outcomes Using Summary Statistics (2/5)
  22. Chapter 3: Sample Size Determination for Repeated Measurement Outcomes Using Summary Statistics (3/5)
  23. Chapter 3: Sample Size Determination for Repeated Measurement Outcomes Using Summary Statistics (4/5)
  24. Chapter 3: Sample Size Determination for Repeated Measurement Outcomes Using Summary Statistics (5/5)
  25. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (1/14)
  26. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (2/14)
  27. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (3/14)
  28. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (4/14)
  29. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (5/14)
  30. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (6/14)
  31. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (7/14)
  32. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (8/14)
  33. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (9/14)
  34. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (10/14)
  35. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (11/14)
  36. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (12/14)
  37. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (13/14)
  38. Chapter 4: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcome Measurements Using GEE (14/14)
  39. Chapter 5: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Two-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (1/8)
  40. Chapter 5: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Two-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (2/8)
  41. Chapter 5: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Two-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (3/8)
  42. Chapter 5: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Two-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (4/8)
  43. Chapter 5: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Two-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (5/8)
  44. Chapter 5: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Two-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (6/8)
  45. Chapter 5: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Two-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (7/8)
  46. Chapter 5: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Two-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (8/8)
  47. Chapter 6: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Three-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (1/9)
  48. Chapter 6: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Three-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (2/9)
  49. Chapter 6: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Three-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (3/9)
  50. Chapter 6: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Three-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (4/9)
  51. Chapter 6: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Three-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (5/9)
  52. Chapter 6: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Three-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (6/9)
  53. Chapter 6: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Three-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (7/9)
  54. Chapter 6: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Three-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (8/9)
  55. Chapter 6: Sample Size Determination for Correlated Outcomes from Three-Level Randomized Clinical Trials (9/9)
  56. Bibliography
  57. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: Sample Size Calculations for Clustered and Longitudinal Outcomes in Clinical Research
  • Author(s): Chul Ahn, Moonseoung Heo, Song Zhang
  • Release date: December 2014
  • Publisher(s): Chapman and Hall/CRC
  • ISBN: 9781466556270