Chapter 3

What’s In a Name?

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding Timeslips templates

arrow Creating nicknames for timekeepers, tasks, and expenses

arrow Managing multiple matters for the same client

arrow Importing and exporting information between clients

Although Shakespeare’s Juliet argued that names don’t matter — “that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” — names form the foundation of the information you store in Sage Timeslips. You use names to identify the person doing the work, the work that’s being done, and the entity for whom the work is being done. You also can set up some optional names, as you discover at the end of this chapter.

By default, Timeslips refers to those who do the work as timekeepers, the work that’s being done as tasks or expenses, and the entities for whom the work is done as clients. This terminology is customizable; choose Setup⇒General to display the General Settings dialog box and then click Terminology on the left side of the page to make changes to these default terms. I use Timeslip's terminology throughout this book, but you can call timekeepers ...

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