Chapter 7. Developing Book Shelf: Adding the Core Functionality
In this chapter, you will continue development of the Book Shelf application that you started in Chapter 6. At this point you should have a Rails application started, with a complete user model and user authentication implemented. In this chapter, you will take the first steps toward making the application useful for sharing information about a collection of books. You will implement integration with the Amazon Web Service to look up information about books that a user wants to add to the book shelf. You will also implement the ability to add and remove books from a user's book shelf. With that functionality in place, you'll add a display of the books on a user's shelf to his home page. The last task of this chapter will be to implement a detail view for a selected book. Later chapters will build upon the detail view to add reviews and ratings.
To follow along with the development in this chapter, continue working with the code that you started in Chapter 6.
Adding Support for Books
The tasks of this chapter all relate to the ability to add books to a user's book shelf. By the end of this chapter, a user will be able to search this application for books based on keywords, add selected books to a book shelf, view books contained on the user's book shelf, delete books from a book shelf, and view a book's detail page.
The Book Shelf application gathers information about books from the Amazon catalog of books. When a user searches ...
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