1.  David R. Schilling, “Knowledge Doubling Every 12 Months, Soon to be Every 12 Hours,” Industry Tap, April 19, 2013; “Quick Facts and Figures About Biological Data,” ELIXIR, 2011; Brian Goldman, “Doctors Make Mistakes. Can We Talk About That?,” TED, November 2011; Brett King, “Too Much Content: A World of Exponential Information Growth,” Huffington Post, January 18, 2011.

   2.  Edward N. Wolff, “The Growth of Information Workers in the U.S. Economy,” Communications 48, no. 10 (2005).

   3.  D. L. Bosworth, “The Rate of Obsolescence of Technical Knowledge: A Note,” Journal of Industrial Economics 26, no. 3 (1978); Lionel Nesta, “Knowledge and Productivity in the World’s Largest Manufacturing Corporations,” Journal of Economic ...

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