Image Credits

Cover image: Reid & Peck / RIBA Collections

Page viii–1 John Outram

Page 1 Reid & Peck / RIBA Collections

Page 3 Photograph courtesy of Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates, Inc.

Page 4–5 Danielle Tinero / RIBA Collections;

Page 6 top and bottom Alastair Hunter / RIBA Collections

Page 9 top Bpk Hamburger Kunsthalle Elke Walford; bottom Roland Halbe / RIBA Collections

Page 11 © FLC / DACS / ADAGP, Paris and DACS London 2017

Page 15 Edwin Smith / RIBA Collections

Page 16 (above) Cedric Price Fonds, Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture / Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal; (below) Photograph courtesy of Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates, Inc.

Page 17 © Terry Farrell

Page 18–19 © Terry Farrell

Page 20 top left © Andrew ...

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