accidental career changes, 140
acronym, 4–5
acrostics, 5
affirmations, 120–121
ageism, xxii–xxiii, 143
anxiety, 109
attention, 37
Barrett, Katie, 75
Barr, Vilma, 11
biases, 36
Blauss, Roy, 115
blogs, 132–133
brain games, 9
brain research, 1–2
branding, 147–149
Brendel, Alfred, 35
Brookman, Robert, 141–142
Bruschi, Phil, 2–3, 5
Candoo Tech, 125
Canfield. Jack, 120–121
careers, 139–142
revitalizing, 150–151
Carnegie, Dale, 31
Carson, Gayle, 148
cataracts, 87
chaining, 5–6
chronological vs. biological age, 94–95
clarifying and confirming, 38
clean, 92
cleaning, 70–71
cleanse, 86
Clear, James, 45
close-mindedness, 33
Collier, Birtan, 140
Collier, Ralph, 140
commonalities, 49
communication, 15–16
channels, 35
checklist, 39–40
with generation, ...
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